Translation of "Nimbos" in English

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Examples of using "Nimbos" in a sentence and their english translations:

O sangue a arder e a mente a revolver / tais pensamentos, chega a deusa à pátria / dos nimbos e tormentas – a Eólia, / que os austros impetuosos tanto açoitam.

- Turning over such things in her inflamed heart, the goddess came to the country of storm-clouds, Aeolia, breeding place of the raging winds.
- Such thoughts revolving in her fiery mind, / straightway the Goddess to AEolia passed, / the storm-clouds' birthplace, big with blustering wind.

Quando os navios já se encontram no alto mar, / não mais restando terra alguma à vista – / céu e mar, mar e céu por toda a parte – / vêm sobre nós pesados nimbos, transportando / treva e tormenta, e o mar se encrespa assustador.

The fleet was on mid ocean; land no more / was visible, naught else above, before / but sky and sea, when overhead did loom / a storm-cloud, black as heaven itself, that bore / dark night and wintry tempest in its womb, / and all the waves grew rough and shuddered with the gloom.