Translation of "Zgubiłeś" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "Zgubiłeś" in a sentence and their english translations:

Zgubiłeś bilet?

Have you lost your ticket?

Zgubiłeś parasol.

You've lost your umbrella.

Zgubiłeś swoje okulary.

You've lost your glasses.

Przy przepisywaniu podręcznika zgubiłeś jedno słowo.

You've left out a word in copying the textbook.

Znalazłeś parasol, który mówiłeś, że zgubiłeś któregoś dnia?

- Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day?
- Have you found the umbrella you said you had lost the other day?
- Did you find the umbrella you said you'd lost the other day?
- Have you found the umbrella you said you'd lost the other day?