Translation of "Zapukał" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Zapukał" in a sentence and their english translations:

Zapukał do drzwi.

He tried knocking at the door.

Zapukał w drzwi.

- He knocked at the door.
- She knocked on the door.
- He knocked on the door.

Ktoś zapukał do drzwi.

Someone knocked on the door.

Tom zapukał do drzwi i czekał.

Tom knocked on the door and waited.

Tom zapukał do drzwi i wszedł bez czekania.

Tom knocked on the door and then entered without waiting.

Tom zapukał do drzwi, a Mary mu otworzyła.

Tom knocked on the door and Mary answered it.

Właśnie zaczęła czytać książkę gdy ktoś zapukał do drzwi.

She'd just begun to read the book when someone knocked on the door.

Właśnie chciała pójść do łóżka, gdy ktoś zapukał do drzwi.

She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door.