Translation of "Kora" in English

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Examples of using "Kora" in a sentence and their english translations:

Melyben már kora csecsemőkortól

through which all babies will be able to learn foreign languages

Kora reggel útra kelt.

- He set off early in the morning.
- He was off early in the morning.
- He started out early in the morning.

A kora gyermekkori és tiniévekben

In the early years as a child or a teenager,

A madarak kora reggel énekelnek.

Birds sing early in the morning.

Tízéves kora óta tanul angolul.

She has been studying English since the age of ten.

Kora reggel elmentem egyet sétálni.

I went for a walk early in the morning.

Bob kora reggel találkozott nagyapjával.

Bob met her grandfather early in the morning.

Arthur kora ötvenes éveiben járt.

Arthur was in his early fifties.

Kora délután néha álmos vagyok.

I sometimes feel drowsy in the early afternoon.

Kora hajnalban, világosodás előtt elindultunk.

We left early in the morning before it got light.

A madarak általában kora reggel kelnek.

Birds usually wake up early in the morning.

- - Kor? - 16.
- - Kora? - Tizenhat.
- - Korod? - Tizenhat.

"Age?" "16."

Tom idős kora miatt halt meg.

Tom died of old age.

Tamásnak kora reggelig itt kell maradnia.

Tom needs to stay here until tomorrow morning.

Holnap kora reggel gyere be dolgozni.

- Come to work earlier tomorrow.
- Come to work early tomorrow.

Amikor kora reggel kinyitottak az állomás mosdói,

Early in the morning, when the station toilets were opened,

10 éves kora óta folyamatosan tanul angolul.

She has been studying English since the age of ten.

Ötven éves kora után fejlesztette festői képességét.

He developed his talent for painting after fifty.

Maria már nyolcadikos kora óta szerelmes Tomba.

Mary has been in love with Tom since the 8th grade.

Már tíz éves kora óta tanul angolul.

She has been studying English since the age of ten.

Tamás hat éves kora óta Bostonban él.

Tom's been living in Boston since he was six.

Tamás három éves kora óta Bostonban él.

- Tom has been living in Boston since he was three.
- Tom has been living in Boston since he was three years old.

Nem tetszenek nekem a kora reggeli értekezletek.

I don't like early morning meetings.

Tizenhat éves kora óta ugyanis minden napot végigdolgozott,

Because he's worked every day since he was 16 years old,

Minden harmadik is elpusztulhat egy hónapos kora előtt.

Up to a third will die before they are a month old.

Tom tizenéves kora óta abban az étteremben étkezik.

Tom has been eating at that restaurant since he was a teenager.

Tomi harminc éves kora előtt nem zongorázott még.

Tom didn't start to play the piano until he was thirty.

Például ne indítsuk el szombatonként kora reggel a fűnyírónkat!

For example, don't start mowing your lawn at 7am on a Saturday morning.

Már mondtam Tomnak, hogy legyen itt holnap kora reggel.

I've already informed Tom that he needs to be here early tomorrow morning.

Elég éhes vagyok, mert kora reggel óta nem ettem.

I'm pretty hungry since I haven't eaten since early this morning.

Kilencven éves kora óta a nagymamám süket, mint az ágyú.

Ever since her ninetieth birthday, my grandmother's been deaf as a post.

Frissen fogott halakat adnak el nekünk a kora reggeli piacon.

They sell us freshly caught fish in the early morning market.

Sorsot húztunk, hogy eldöntsük, ki legyen a soros kora reggel a portán.

We drew lots to decide who would go first at the early morning reception desk.

Anton szingularitás-hívő, vagyis hisz abban, hogy elkövetkezik a mesterséges szuperintelligencia kora.

Anton is a Singularitarian, believing in the coming of artificial superintelligence.

De muszáj továbbállni. A csordának el kell hagynia a várost, mielőtt beindul a kora reggeli forgalom.

But she needs to get moving. -[dogs continue barking] -[elephant trumpeting] Her herd must clear town before early morning traffic returns.