Translation of "ártana" in English

0.043 sec.

Examples of using "ártana" in a sentence and their english translations:

- A légynek se ártana.
- Még a légynek se ártana.

- He wouldn't hurt a fly.
- He wouldn't harm a fly.

A légynek se ártana.

- He wouldn't hurt a fly.
- He wouldn't harm a fly.
- She wouldn't hurt a fly.
- She wouldn't harm a fly.
- It wouldn't hurt a fly.
- It wouldn't harm a fly.

Tamás soha nem ártana a gyerekeinek.

Tom would never hurt his children.

Nem ártana, ha befognák a szájukat.

- I hope they shut up!
- I hope they stop talking!
- They should shut up!

Van néhány dolog, amiről nem ártana tudnod.

There are a few things you should know.

- Nagyobb tisztelettel kellene önöknek bánniuk az emberekkel.
- Több tisztelettel kellene hozzáállniuk az emberekhez.
- Nagyobb tiszteletet kellene nekik tanúsítaniuk az emberekkel iránt.
- Tisztességesebben kellene viselkedni az emberekkel.
- Nem ártana, ha több tiszteletet mutatna az emberekkel szemben.

- You should treat people with more respect.
- They should treat people with more respect.