Translation of "Weiden" in English

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Examples of using "Weiden" in a sentence and their english translations:

Auf Almen in den Bergen weiden zahlreiche Kühe.

- There are plenty of cows grazing on the mountain pastures.
- Plenty of cows graze on the mountain pastures.
- Large numbers of cows are grazing on the mountain pastures.
- Large numbers of cows graze on the mountain pastures.
- A great many cows are grazing on the mountain pastures.

Die Herden werden auf die Weiden zum Grasen getrieben.

The herds are turned out into the pasture to graze.

Auf den Weiden von Timo und Frank wächst nichts mehr.

Nothing grows anymore on Timo and Frank's pastures.

Statt kontinuierlichem Weiden, wo man 50 Kühe auf 40 Hektar stellt

instead of continuous grazing, where they turn 50 cows into 100 acres

Pünktlich mit der sinkenden Sonne machen sich die Gänse von den Weiden nach Hause auf.

- At precisely sunset, the geese set off from the pastures on their way home.
- Regular as clockwork, at the setting of the sun, the geese set off from the pastures on their way home.