Translation of "Repeint" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Repeint" in a sentence and their english translations:

Marie a repeint la maison.

- Mary has repainted the house.
- Mary's repainted the house.
- Mary repainted the house.

Vous avez repeint la maison.

You repainted the house.

Le pont est en train d'être repeint.

The bridge is being repainted.

Mais ça ne ressemble pas à ça. - Il est repeint.

But it doesn't look like it. - It's repainted.

Pas même si cela devait être repeint tous les trois ans.

Not even if that should be repainted every three years.

Au cours de ces trois dernières années, il a repeint sa maison successivement en bleu, puis en vert et enfin en jaune canari.

In the course of the past three years he has painted his house blue, then green, and finally canary yellow, in that order.