Translation of "Comprendrais" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Comprendrais" in a sentence and their english translations:

Si tu écoutais, tu comprendrais.

If you'd listen, you'd understand.

Je pensais que quelqu’un comme toi comprendrais.

- I thought a person like you would understand.
- I thought that a person like you would understand.

- J'imaginais que vous comprendriez.
- J'imaginais que tu comprendrais.

- I figured you would understand.
- I figured you'd understand.

Si je te le disais, tu ne comprendrais pas.

If I told you, you wouldn't understand.

Je pensais que toi, entre tous, comprendrais ma décision.

- I thought you of all people would understand my decision.
- I thought that you of all people would understand my decision.

Tu n'es pas mon ami, sinon tu me comprendrais.

You're not my friend, otherwise you'd understand me.

Tu ne comprendrais pas. C'est un truc de filles.

You wouldn't understand. It's a girl thing.

- Tu ne comprendrais simplement pas.
- Vous ne comprendriez simplement pas.

You just wouldn't understand.

- Je pensais que vous comprendriez.
- Je pensais que tu comprendrais.

- I thought you would understand.
- I thought you'd understand.
- I thought that you'd understand.

J'ai eu espoir que tu comprendrais ce que je pensais.

I hoped you would understand what I meant.

- Tu ne comprendrais probablement pas ceci.
- Vous ne comprendriez probablement pas ceci.

You probably wouldn't understand this.

Tu comprendrais si tu avais une famille, une femme et des enfants.

If you'll have a family, a wife and children, you'll understand it.

Si je te montrais ma maison, mon quartier d'alors, comprendrais-tu d'où je viens ?

If I showed you my house, my neighborhood back then, would you understand where I am from?

- Je ne pense pas que tu comprendrais.
- Je ne pense pas que vous le comprendriez.

- I don't think you'd understand it.
- I don't think that you'd understand it.

- Si je vous le disais, vous ne comprendriez pas.
- Si je te le disais, tu ne comprendrais pas.

If I told you, you wouldn't understand.

- Vous ne comprendriez pas. C'est un truc de filles.
- Tu ne comprendrais pas. C'est un truc de filles.

You wouldn't understand. It's a girl thing.

- Tu comprendrais si tu avais une famille, une femme et des enfants.
- Vous comprendriez si vous aviez une famille, une femme et des enfants.

If you'll have a family, a wife and children, you'll understand it.

- Je te l'aurais dit plus tôt, mais je ne pensais pas que tu comprendrais.
- Je vous l'aurais dit plus tôt, mais je ne pensais pas que vous comprendriez.
- Je te l'aurais dit avant, mais je ne pensais pas que tu comprendrais.
- Je vous l'aurais dit avant, mais je ne pensais pas que vous comprendriez.

- I would've told you before, but I didn't think you'd understand.
- I would have told you before, but I didn't think you'd understand.
- I would have told you earlier, but I didn't think you'd understand.
- I would've told you earlier, but I didn't think you'd understand.