Translation of "Atteignit" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Atteignit" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Il atteignit enfin son but.
- Il atteignit enfin son objectif.

At last he attained his goal.

Il atteignit son but.

- He attained his goal.
- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

Elle atteignit finalement l'Arctique.

She finally reached the Arctic.

Sa patience atteignit son comble.

His patience reached its tipping point.

Il atteignit finalement son objectif.

Finally, he achieved his goal.

La balle atteignit sa cible.

The bullet found its mark.

Il atteignit la mer bleue.

He reached the blue sea.

- Elle atteignit son objectif.
- Elle a atteint son objectif.
- Elle atteignit son but.

- She achieved her goal.
- She reached her goal.

Une balle atteignit sa jambe droite.

A ball hit her right leg.

Il atteignit le grade de général.

He reached the rank of general.

- Il atteignit enfin son but.
- Il atteignit enfin son objectif.
- Il finit par atteindre son but.

- He achieved his aim at last.
- At last he attained his goal.
- At last he reached his goal.

Kunihiko atteignit la cible du premier coup.

Kunihiko hit the target with his first shot.

La balle atteignit la jambe du policier.

The bullet got the policeman in the leg.

Après trente minutes, elle atteignit l'autre côté.

She was across in thirty minutes.

L'eau atteignit la poutre du pont en un instant.

The water came up to the bridge girder in a second.

Lorsqu'il atteignit la gare, le train était déjà parti.

When he got to the station, the train had already left.

- Elle atteignit son objectif.
- Elle a atteint son objectif.

She achieved her goal.

- Elle avait atteint son but.
- Elle atteignit son but.

- She achieved her goal.
- She reached her goal.
- She had reached her goal.
- She had achieved her objective.

- Il a atteint son but.
- Il atteignit son but.

- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

Il était à peu près midi lorsqu'il atteignit la ville.

- It was around noon when he reached the town.
- It was about midday when he reached the city.

En 219 avant JC, l'armée carthaginoise atteignit la périphérie de Saguntum.

In 219 BC, Carthaginian army reached the outskirts of Saguntum.

- La flèche a atteint la cible.
- La flèche atteignit la cible.

The arrow hit the target.

- Il atteignit enfin son but.
- Il a finalement atteint ses objectifs.

- He achieved his aim at last.
- At last he attained his goal.
- He finally achieved what he set out to do.
- He finally achieved his goals.

- Il atteignit enfin son but.
- Finalement, il a réalisé son objectif.

In the end he achieved his objective.

Lorsque l'armée atteignit immédiatement les collines surplombant la plaine du Pharsalus, Pompey

when the army reached the hills overlooking the plain of Pharsalus Pompey immediately

Quand Mary atteignit l'arrêt de bus, le dernier bus était déjà parti.

When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already left.

L'un de ses tableaux atteignit plus d'un million de dollars aux enchères.

One of his paintings fetched more than a million dollars at auction.

Quand il atteignit Lisbonne, il trouva la ville protégée par de nouvelles fortifications - les

When he reached Lisbon, he found the city protected by new fortifications – the impregnable

- Il a atteint son but.
- Il atteignit son but.
- Il a atteint son objectif.

- He achieved his purpose.
- He attained his goal.
- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

Quand il atteignit la gare, le train était déjà parti depuis presque une demi-heure.

When he reached the station, the train had already left almost half an hour before.

Les gens s'attroupèrent autour du blessé, mais firent place au médecin quand il atteignit le lieu de l'accident.

The people crowded round the injured man, but they made way for the doctor when he reached the scene of the accident.

Laban atteignit donc Jacob. Jacob avait dressé sa tente sur la montagne ; Laban dressa aussi la sienne, avec ses frères, sur la montagne de Galaad.

Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain; and when he, with his brethren, had overtaken him, he pitched his tent in the same mount of Galaad.