Translation of "Alla" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Alla" in a sentence and their english translations:

La fille alla dormir.

The girl went to sleep.

L'homme s'en alla enfin.

The man went off at last.

Tom s'en alla tranquillement.

Tom left quietly.

Il alla à Gökdepe.

He went to Gokdepe.

- Après quoi il alla chez lui.
- Après, il alla chez lui.

After that, he went home.

- Il s'en alla l'air triste.
- Il s'en alla la mine dépitée.

He walked away with a sad look on his face.

- Après quoi, il alla chez lui.
- Sur ce, il alla chez lui.
- Après cela, il alla chez lui.

After that, he went home.

Enfin, elle alla en Amérique.

Lastly, she went to America.

Il s'en alla l'air triste.

He walked away with a sad look on his face.

Sami alla chercher ses lunettes.

Sami went to get his glass.

Il alla à la bibliothèque.

He went to the library.

- Le serveur alla chercher un autre verre.
- Le serveur alla quérir un autre verre.

The waiter went to get another glass.

L'un resta et l'autre s'en alla.

One stayed and the other went away.

Il alla pêcher dans la rivière.

He went fishing in the river.

Tom embrassa Mary puis alla travailler.

- After kissing Mary, Tom left for work.
- Tom kissed Mary and then went to work.

Elle alla le voir à contrecœur.

She went to see him reluctantly.

Sur ce, il alla chez lui.

After that, he went home.

Il alla à Londres en 1970.

He went to London in 1970.

Elle alla au zoo avec lui.

She visited the zoo with him.

- Bien qu'il fût malade, il alla à l'école.
- Il était malade, mais il alla à l'école.

- Even though he was sick, he went to school.
- He was sick, but he went to school.

Il alla se coucher après avoir fini.

Having finished it, he went to bed.

Tout d'abord, il alla à la gare.

First of all, he went to the station.

Il alla jusqu'à me traiter de menteur.

He went so far as to call me a liar.

Elle s'en alla sans dire au revoir.

She walked away without saying good bye.

Le travail fini, il alla au lit.

Having finished the work, he went to bed.

Le jugement alla à l'encontre du gouvernement.

The judgement went against the government.

Il alla en Amérique pour étudier l'anglais.

He went to America to study English.

Aussitôt qu'il alla au lit, il s'endormit.

As soon as he went to bed, he fell asleep.

Il alla en Amérique étudier la médecine.

- He went to America to study medicine.
- He went to the United States to study medicine.

Le serveur alla chercher un autre verre.

The waiter went to get another glass.

Il alla à la même vitesse qu'elle.

He kept pace with her.

L'un alla pêcher, l'autre faire les courses.

One went fishing, another went shopping.

Après avoir mangé, Tom alla au lit.

After he ate, Tom went to bed.

Bien que malade, il alla à l'école.

Even though he was sick, he went to school.

Il était malade, mais il alla à l'école.

- Sick as he was, he went to school.
- Even though he was sick, he went to school.
- He was sick, but he went to school.

- Il est parti.
- Il partit.
- Il s'en alla.

- He walked away.
- He went away.
- He left.
- He went.
- He's gone.
- He's left.
- He was gone.

Il alla chercher de l'eau à la source.

He fetched some water from the well.

Il nous fit ses adieux et s'en alla.

He bade us farewell, and went away.

Il était fatigué, il alla donc au lit.

He was tired so he went to bed.

Elle alla le voir à l'hôpital chaque jour.

She went to see him in the hospital every day.

Il alla faire des courses au centre commercial.

He went shopping at a department store.

Il alla lui rendre visite à contre-cœur.

He went to see her reluctantly.

Elle alla à Paris pour la première fois.

She went to Paris for the first time.

Mary retira sa robe alla prendre une douche.

Mary slipped off her robe and got into the shower.

Leyla sauta dans sa voiture et s'en alla.

Layla jumped in her car and drove off.

Elle alla dormir et ne se réveilla jamais.

She went to sleep and never woke up.

Elle me regarda d'une mine arrogante puis s'en alla.

She gave me a haughty look and walked away.

Il alla dans la pièce d'à côté et s'allongea.

He went into the next room and lay down.

Il alla en Afrique pour voir des animaux sauvages.

He went to Africa to see wild animals.

Il alla au bord de mer pour finir noyé.

He went to the seaside only to be drowned.

Il alla l'extérieur un petit peu avant cinq heures.

He went out a little before five o'clock.

Elle alla dehors, pour prendre un peu d'air frais.

She went outside to catch a bit of fresh air.

Elle ferma la porte et alla au premier étage.

She closed the door and went to the first floor.

Tom me souhaita une bonne nuit et s'en alla.

Tom said good night to me and then left.

Il y alla à la place de son père.

- He went there instead of his father.
- He went instead of his father.

Elle alla dans sa chambre pour changer sa robe.

She went into her room to change her dress.

Il alla à la porte à laquelle on frappait.

He made for the door to answer the knock.

Tom prit place derrière le volant et s'en alla.

Tom got into the driver's seat and drove off.

Après avoir quitté le bureau, il alla au restaurant.

After leaving the office, he went to the restaurant.

Tom alla au salon tout en boutonnant sa chemise.

Tom walked into the living room, still buttoning his shirt.

- Il alla faire des courses.
- Il est allé faire des courses.
- Il alla faire des emplettes.
- Il est allé faire des emplettes.

He went shopping.