Translation of "Understandable" in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Understandable" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- It's perfectly understandable.
- That's perfectly understandable.

Es perfectamente comprensible.

That's understandable.

Eso es comprensible.

- His anger is understandable.
- Her anger is understandable.

Su rabia es comprensible.

It's perfectly understandable.

Es perfectamente comprensible.

Her anger is understandable.

Su rabia es comprensible.

His anger is understandable.

Su rabia es comprensible.

It's an understandable thing to say though,

De todos modos, es comprensible decir eso

- It's perfectly understandable.
- It makes perfect sense.

Es perfectamente comprensible.

But in a very concrete, direct, understandable way.

sino en uno muy concreto, directo y entendible.

Yes, that is how it goes, and it's understandable.

Sí, esto funciona así, y es que es normal.

Can you phrase your answer in an understandable manner?

¿Puedes expresar tu respuesta de una manera comprensible?

And turns it through fusion software into an understandable picture

y se convierten a través del software de fusión en una imagen comprensible

I think that it's completely understandable if she turns down his offer.

Creo que sería totalmente comprensible que ella rechazase su oferta.

This summary is too succinct; it needs further elaboration to make it understandable.

Este resumen es demasiado escueto; hay que desarrollarlo más para que sea comprensible.

The Koran, far from being inimitable, is a literary work of inferior quality, as it is neither clear, nor understandable, nor does it possess any practical value and is certainly not a revealed book.

El Corán, lejos de ser inigualable, es más bien una obra literaria de calidad inferior, no es claro, ni entendible, y no posee valor práctico y definitivamente no es un libro revelado.