Translation of "Thing" in Spanish

0.042 sec.

Examples of using "Thing" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Poor thing!
- Poor thing.

- ¡Pobrecito!
- ¡Pobrecita!



Another thing

otra cosa

Poor thing!


Poor thing.


- What is that thing?
- What's that thing?

¿Qué es esa cosa?

It's magical thing.

Es mágica.

Here's the thing:

Y el tema es que

Do my thing,

hacía mis actividades,

No such thing

tal cosa

An interesting thing

una cosa interesante

Fight this thing.

Lucha contra esta cosa.

What's this thing?

¿Qué es esta cosa?

One last thing:

Una última cosa:

Here's the thing,

Esto es lo que sucede,

- It's not the same thing.
- It isn't the same thing.

No es la misma cosa.

- This isn't a bad thing.
- That's not a bad thing.

Esto no es algo malo.

That thing right there.

esa cosa justo ahí.

It's the same thing.

Son lo mismo.

So here's the thing:

El asunto es:

That's the important thing.

Eso es lo importante.

One more important thing.

Otra cosa importante.

The second thing: meditation.

Lo segundo: meditar.

Simply remember one thing:

Simplemente, recuerda una cosa:

A magical thing happens.

que pasa una cosa mágica,

But here's the thing:

Sin embargo,

Okay, first thing: bedding!

Bien, lo primero, la cama.

And the only thing --

Lo único...

But the thing is,

pero ocurre que

But one last thing:

Pero una última cosa:

Isn't that the thing?

¿No es esa la cosa?

Okay no such thing

ok no hay tal cosa

Is a normal thing

es una cosa normal

It's a strange thing.

es algo extraño.

That's a big thing.

es un grave problema.

One thing remains doubtful.

Una cosa sigue siendo incierta.

Singing is her thing.

- A ella le gusta cantar.
- Lo suyo es cantar.

It's a happy thing.

Es algo feliz.

It's a sure thing.

Es seguro.

This thing terrifies me.

Esta cosa me aterroriza.

The worst thing happened.

Sucedió lo peor.

It's an obscene thing.

Es algo obsceno.

Life's a funny thing.

La vida es una cosa graciosa.

It's a cultural thing.

Es algo cultural.

Is this thing edible?

- ¿Es esto algo comestible?
- ¿Esto se come?

Is that thing yours?

¿Esta cosa es tuya?

It's no big thing.

- No es nada grande.
- No es nada importante.

Does this thing work?

¿Esto funciona?

That kind of thing?

este tipo de cosa.

A terrible thing happened.

- Una terrible cosa pasó.
- Algo terrible pasó.

What a horrible thing!

¡Qué atrocidad!

This thing is alive.

Esta cosa está viva.

This thing isn't alive.

Esta cosa no está viva.

Singing is their thing.

Lo suyo es cantar.

- But here's the thing.

- Pero aquí está la cosa.

- But here's the thing,

- Pero aquí está la cosa,

That's their ideal thing.

Esa es su cosa ideal.

Now, here's the thing:

Ahora, aquí está la cosa:

Say the same thing.

di lo mismo.

Now, here's one thing.

Ahora, aquí hay una cosa.

Well here's the thing,

Bueno, aquí está la cosa,

Here's the other thing

Hay otra cuestión,

- What is this thing used for?
- What's this thing used for?

¿Para qué se usa esto?

- I'd say the same thing.
- I would have said the same thing.
- I would've said the same thing.

Yo diría lo mismo.

- He always says the same thing.
- You always say the same thing.
- She always says the same thing.

Siempre dice lo mismo.

- This technology is an incredible thing!
- That technology is an incredible thing!

¡Esta tecnología es una cosa increíble!

Getting along with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.

Llevarse bien con Rusia es algo bueno, no algo malo.

- I would never do such a thing.
- I'd never do a thing like that.
- I'd never do such a thing.

- Jamás haría tal cosa.
- Yo nunca haría algo así.

One thing I do know,

De algo estoy seguro,

This is the real thing.

Esto es en verdad.

And the same thing happens -

Y lo mismo sucede

And that's a good thing.

y eso es bueno.

I didn't understand a thing!

¡No entendía absolutamente nada!

Other thing people don't realize

Otra cosa que no ve la gente,

The brain's a delicate thing."

el cerebro es una cosa delicada".

I coudn't see a thing!

porque no se ve nada.

I didn't hear a thing.

No escuché nada, yo.

But here's an interesting thing.

Pero hay un dato interesante.

And the worst thing is -

y lo peor es...