Translation of "Tribute" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Tribute" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Was sometimes the only tribute paid to him.

era a veces el único homenaje que se le rendía.

Refuses to pay yearly tribute and to pledge vassalage.

rehusa pagar el tributo anual y a jurar vasallaje.

Soon after, a 10,000-strong Ottoman contingent enters Wallachia to collect the tribute and

Poco tiempo después, un contingente otomano de 10,000 entra a Valaquia para colectar el tributo y a

The whole company stood in silence for a few moments, as a tribute to the dead.

La compañía entera guardó silencio por unos momentos en tributo al muerto.

I thought "like money for a cat" was different than "like pearls before swine". I thought it was a tribute to the exemplary nature of the cat and the ultimate meaninglessness of the materialism of money.

Pensé que "dinero para un gato" era diferente a "perlas para los cerdos". Pensé que era un tributo a la naturaleza ejemplar del gato y la fundamental falta de sentido del materialismo del dinero.