Translation of "Stain" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Stain" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

What's this purple stain?

¿De qué es esta mancha púrpura?

Rub the stain with vinegar.

Frota la mancha con vinagre.

This stain won't come out.

Esta mancha no sale.

I couldn't scrub the stain out.

No pude quitar la mancha.

This stain will never go out.

Esa mancha no se borra nunca más.

I would stain my fingers red.

Mancharía mis dedos de rojo.

- The coffee stain was difficult to remove.
- It was difficult to remove the coffee stain.

La mancha de café era difícil de quitar.

Your collar has a stain on it.

Tu cuello tiene una mancha.

This ink stain will not wash out.

Esta mancha de tinta no se quita.

The coffee stain was difficult to remove.

La mancha de café era difícil de quitar.

The ink stain will not wash out.

La mancha de tinta no se sale.

Will the coffee stain ruin the carpet?

¿La mancha de café va a arruinar la alfombra?

There's a stain on my T-shirt.

Tengo una mancha en la remera.

My blue dress appeared with a blood stain.

Mi vestido azul apareció manchado de sangre.

The stain disappeared after we washed the shirt.

La mancha desapareció después de que lavásemos la camisa.

The stain on the lab coat is due to silver nitrate.

La mancha en la bata de laboratorio se debe al nitrato de plata.

Grief on the face is better than the stain in the heart.

Más vale la pena en el rostro que la mancha en el corazón.

- His shirt was stained with sauce.
- On his shirt there was a sauce stain.

Él tenía una mancha de salsa en la camisa.

I never appeared in a group photo, because the director told, "You are a woman and you stain the frame".

Y no salí en la foto porque la directora dijo, "Eres mujer y manchas el cuadro".

- You've got a spot on your shirt.
- You've got a stain on your shirt.
- There's a spot on your shirt.

Tienes una mancha en la camisa.