Translation of "Scrub" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Scrub" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I couldn't scrub the stain out.

No pude quitar la mancha.

That will scrub CO2 from the air.

que eliminaran el CO2 del aire.

Tom asked Mary to scrub the toilet.

Tom le pidió a Mary que refregara el retrete.

Scrub your list, don't put too many links,

Limpia tu lista, no pongas demasiados enlaces,

Don't use your bare hands to scrub the floor.

No friegues el suelo con las manos desnudas.

With email marketing is, you need to scrub your list.

con el email marketing es, necesitas restregar tu lista.

For all of these people, so let me go scrub my list.

para todas estas personas, así que déjame ir a fregar mi lista.