Translation of "Difficult" in Spanish

0.228 sec.

Examples of using "Difficult" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- It's difficult.
- That's hard.
- That's difficult.

Eso es difícil.

- It's not difficult.
- It isn't difficult.

No es difícil.

Difficult decision.

Qué difícil.

- This isn't difficult.
- This is not difficult.

Esto no es complicado.

- This was very difficult.
- That was very difficult.
- It's been very difficult.

- Fue muy difícil.
- Ha sido muy difícil.

- It's very difficult.
- This is very difficult.
- It's very complicated.
- That's very difficult.

- Es muy difícil.
- Es muy complicado.
- Está muy difícil.

- French is difficult.
- French is a difficult language.

El francés es difícil.

- I know it's difficult.
- I know this is difficult.
- I know that it's difficult.

Yo sé que es difícil.

It's really difficult.

Es muy difícil.

Life is difficult.

La vida es dura.

French is difficult.

El francés es difícil.

It's too difficult.

Es demasiado difícil.

It wasn't difficult.

- No era difícil.
- No fue difícil.

Italian isn't difficult.

El italiano no es difícil.

Is French difficult?

¿Es difícil el francés?

French isn't difficult.

El francés no es difícil.

- Learning Korean is difficult.
- It's difficult to learn Korean.

- Aprender coreano es difícil.
- Es difícil aprender coreano.

- English is difficult, isn't it?
- English is difficult, innit?

El inglés es difícil, ¿verdad?

- I know it's difficult.
- I know that it's difficult.

Sé que es difícil.

- Learning English isn't difficult.
- English isn't difficult to learn.

No es difícil aprender inglés.

- This is difficult for Tom.
- It's difficult for Tom.

Esto es difícil para Tom.

- It is difficult to find work.
- To find a job is difficult.
- It's difficult to find work.
- Finding a job is difficult.

- Encontrar un trabajo es difícil.
- Encontrar trabajo es difícil.

- To find a job is difficult.
- It's difficult to find work.
- Finding a job is difficult.

- Encontrar un trabajo es difícil.
- Encontrar chamba está cañón.

- It's not a difficult question.
- It isn't a difficult question.

No es una pregunta difícil.

- To speak English well is difficult.
- It's difficult to speak English well.
- Speaking English well is difficult.

Hablar el inglés bien es difícil.

Which was extremely difficult.

Y me costaba muchísimo.

It's a difficult subject;

Es un tema complicado,

They are difficult issues

Son cuestiones difíciles

difficult to vaccinate is

difícil vacunar es

Speaking English is difficult.

Es difícil hablar inglés.

It was very difficult.

- Fue muy difícil.
- Era muy difícil.
- Era dificilísimo.

That would be difficult.

Eso sería difícil.

This task is difficult.

Esta tarea es difícil.

That was really difficult.

Eso fue muy difícil.

Is their language difficult?

¿La lengua de ellos es difícil?

The exam is difficult.

El examen es difícil.

This seems very difficult!

¡Se ve muy difícil!

Mastering English is difficult.

- Es difícil dominar el inglés.
- Dominar el inglés es difícil.

All beginnings are difficult.

- Todo comienzo es difícil.
- El primer paso es muy difícil.

Is French pronunciation difficult?

¿Es difícil la pronunciación del francés?

Learning English isn't difficult.

No es difícil aprender inglés.

It's a difficult language.

- Es una lengua difícil.
- Es un idioma difícil.

This isn't so difficult.

Eso no es tan difícil.

These are difficult times.

Estamos viviendo tiempos difíciles.

That makes it difficult.

Eso complica las cosas.

That's difficult to explain.

Es difícil de explicar.

It's difficult to explain.

- Es difícil de explicar.
- Es complicado de explicar.

This will be difficult.

Esto va a ser difícil.

This problem seems difficult.

Este problema parece difícil.

It's a difficult question.

Es una pregunta difícil.

Learning Korean is difficult.

Es batalloso aprender coreano, ¿no?

Are these exercises difficult?

¿Son difíciles estos ejercicios?

The choice is difficult.

La elección es difícil.

This is very difficult.

Está muy difícil.

- Is eating with chopsticks difficult?
- Is it difficult eating with chopsticks?

¿Es difícil comer con palillos?

- Arabic isn't a difficult language.
- Arab is not a difficult language.

- El árabe no es un idioma difícil.
- El árabe no es una lengua difícil.

- It's very difficult to understand him.
- It's very difficult to understand her.
- It's very difficult to understand you.

Es muy difícil entenderle.

- Nothing is as difficult as explaining something difficult in a simple manner.
- Nothing is as difficult as coming up with a simple explanation for something difficult.

No hay nada más difícil que explicar algo difícil de manera sencilla.

- It is difficult to understand his theory.
- His theory is difficult to understand.
- It's difficult to understand his theory.

- Su teoría es difícil de entender.
- Es difícil entender su teoría.

- To know oneself is very difficult.
- It's very difficult to know yourself.

Conocerse a sí mismo es muy difícil.

- This is difficult.
- This is hard.
- It's hard.
- It's difficult.
- That's hard.

Esto es difícil.

- That's what makes it so difficult.
- That's what makes this so difficult.

Eso es lo que hace esto tan difícil.

- This question is difficult to answer.
- It's difficult to answer this question.

Esta pregunta es difícil de responder.

- This is difficult.
- It's complicated.
- It's difficult.
- This is complicated.
- That's complicated.

Esto es difícil.

And although seemingly difficult things,

A pesar de que las cosas complejas,

But very difficult in practice.

pero muy difícil en la práctica.

Because it's difficult to replicate.

porque está teniendo dificultades para replicar,

In habits that are difficult,

En los hábitos que son difíciles,

Deference is difficult for men.

La deferencia es difícil para los hombres.

Working in those difficult conditions,

Trabajando en esas condiciones difíciles,

Difficult decision, it's your decision!

Es difícil, pero es su decisión.

That's fiendishly difficult to treat.

eso es extremadamente difícil de tratar.

The march is extremely difficult.

La marcha es extremadamente difícil.

At first, everything seemed difficult.

Todo parecía difícil al comienzo.