Translation of "Rheingau" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Rheingau" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The Rheingau hinterland forest in the southwest

el bosque del interior de Rheingau en el suroeste

The Rheingau Gebück was a border fortification

El Rheingau Gebück era una fortificación fronteriza

It belongs to the Rheingau Forest and extends

Pertenece al bosque de Rheingau y se extiende

These old beeches are known as the "Rheingau Gebück".

Estas viejas hayas se conocen como "Rheingau Gebück".

Between the Rheingau , which had become rich through wine and fruit growing,

entre el Rheingau , que se había enriquecido gracias al cultivo del vino y la fruta,