Translation of "Opponents" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Opponents" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

We have no opponents

No tenemos oponentes

Even my most fierce opponents.

incluso con mis peores enemigos.

On Nixon's real or perceived opponents."

contra los adversarios de Nixon, reales o sospechados".

And its opponents came forward with ...

y sus oponentes se presentaron con...

Of course, political opponents laughed at me.

Por supuesto, los oponentes políticos se rieron de mí.

To imprison, kidnap, torture and disappear political opponents.

para detener, secuestrar, torturar y desaparecer opositores políticos.

So that we can actually engage with our opponents,

para que podamos realmente interactuar con nuestros oponentes,

Tyrannical governments frequently put their political opponents in prison.

Los gobiernos tiranos frecuentemente mandan a prisión a sus oponentes políticos.

And they define themselves against their opponents in the controversy.

y se definen contra sus oponentes en la controversia.

That is the background against which the vaccination opponents '33

Ese es el contexto en el que los opositores a la vacunación '33

The home team always have an advantage over their opponents.

El equipo local siempre tiene ventaja sobre su rival.

And even, in one case, killing one of its political opponents.

e incluso, en una ocasión, de asesinar a uno de sus oponentes políticos.

opponents are career politicians or businessmen and they have no relationship

opositores son políticos de carrera o empresarios y no tienen ningún relación

Opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops.

Los opositores dicen que las cosechas genéticamente modificadas pueden polinizar y dañar otras cosechas.

They hunt in packs, they live in packs, and they are formidable opponents.

Cazan y viven en manada, y son oponentes formidables.

There were indeed anti-vaccination opponents in the ranks of the Nazi leadership.

De hecho, había opositores anti-vacunación en las filas de la dirección nazi.

But the fact is that since 2015 there are dozens of political opponents in prisons

Pero lo cierto es que, desde 2015 hay decenas de opositores políticos en las cárceles