Translation of "Donuts" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Donuts" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Think of donuts, think of hats.

Piensen en donuts, piensen en sombreros.

And now hats will remind you of donuts.

Y ahora los sombreros les recordarán a Donuts.

Mary ate a dozen donuts all by herself.

- Mary se comió una docena de donuts ella sola.
- Mary se zampó una docena de donuts ella sola.

I don’t want you to think of jelly donuts that are filled with crème filling.

No quiero que piensen en donuts rellenas de crema.

And these days I can eat like a whole box of donuts and I’m so happy.

Hoy en día puedo comer una caja entera de rosquillas y sentirme muy feliz.