Translation of "Accurately" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Accurately" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Answer accurately in one go.

Responde del tirón.

This work's very accurately done.

Este trabajo está hecho con mucha exactitud.

Actually more accurately describes the painting

en realidad esto describe con más precisión la pintura

The wind must be gauged accurately.

Hay que medir la velocidad del viento con exactitud.

accurately predicts the death toll from Chernobyl,

predicen de forma precisa la mortalidad en Chernóbil,

I don't remember my father's face accurately.

No recuerdo con exactitud la cara de mi padre.

Or more accurately, a series of strokes.

O, mejor dicho, embolias

I don't remember my grandmother's face accurately.

No me acuerdo muy bien del rostro de mi abuela.

And 0% predicted accurately the death toll from Fukushima.

Y un 0 % predice de forma precisa la mortalidad de Fukushima.

They're the least likely to accurately learn from warnings.

son los menos propensos a aprender correctamente de las advertencias.

That is why it has to be installed accurately.

Por eso debe instalarse con precisión.

If you want to see a map that more accurately displays size, you can use the Gall-Peters

Si deseas ver un mapa que muestra con mayor precisión el tamaño, puedes utilizar la proyección Gall-Peters

Spain, a neutral party in the war, was the only country that reported casualty numbers accurately, hence the name Spanish flu, even though the flu did not originate there.

España, parte neutral en la guerra, fue el único país que informó del número de víctimas con precisión; de ahí el nombre de "gripe española", aunque la gripe no se originara allí.