Translation of "Ukraine's" in Russian

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Ukraine's" in a sentence and their russian translations:

Meanwhile Ukraine's government is forced

Между тем, правительство Украины вынуждено

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

Киев — столица Украины.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.
- Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.

Киев — столица Украины.

Russia, the European Union and the U.S. are accusing each other of interference in Ukraine's domestic affairs.

Россия, Европейский Союз и США обвиняют друг друга во вмешательстве во внутренние дела Украины.

The harshness of Ukraine's laws is mitigated by the fact that one doesn't have to obey them.

Жёсткость украинских законов компенсируется необязательностью их исполнения.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

Столица Украины - Киев.