Translation of "Temporarily" in Portuguese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Temporarily" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable.

Tatoeba estava temporariamente indisponível.

This service is temporarily out of order.

Este serviço está temporariamente indisponível.

This part of the museum is temporarily off-limits to visitors.

Área temporariamente restrita a visitantes.

That tells Google, "Hey, temporarily, send all the traffic and the rankings, et cetera

Isso informa ao Google, "Ei, envie temporariamente todo o tráfego e os rankings, etc.

A 302 redirect, on the other hand, is telling Google, "Hey, we temporarily changed locations."

Um redirect 302, por outro lado, está informando ao Google, "Ei, nós nos mudamos temporariamente".