Translation of "She'd" in Portuguese

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "She'd" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

- Mary promised me she'd do that.
- Mary promised me she'd do it.

Mary me prometeu que faria isso.

Mary knew that she'd win.

Mary sabia que venceria.

She'd just pull the thing over.

Ele puxava-a.

Mary looked like she'd been drinking.

A Mary disse que tinha estado a beber.

Mary said she'd never do that.

Mary disse que nunca faria isso.

Mary told me she'd be there.

Mary me disse que estaria aqui.

Mary told me she'd be cooperative.

Mary me disse que seria cooperativa.

Mary admitted she'd lied to me.

Mary admitiu que mentiu para mim.

Mary told me that she'd lied.

Mary me disse que ela mentiu.

She'd never go swimming by herself.

Ela nunca iria nadar sozinha.

She realized she'd made a mistake.

Ela entendeu que cometeu um erro.

She told me that she'd wait.

Ela me disse que esperaria.

She said she'd wait and see.

- Ela disse que ia esperar e logo via.
- Ela disse que esperaria para ver.

She'd see big movement, and she'd be slightly afraid and then look, "Oh, it's him."

Via um movimento, tinha medo e depois olhava: "É ele."

- Mary told me that she'd left her husband.
- Mary told me she'd left her husband.

Mary me disse que ela deixaria o seu marido.

I'd never thought she'd be this smart.

Nunca imaginei que ela fosse tão inteligente.

She'd like him to leave right away.

Ela gostaria que ele saísse imediatamente.

Mary said she'd be at the meeting.

Maria disse que estaria na reunião.

She knew where she'd put her keys.

Ela sabia onde tinha colocado suas chaves.

Tom asked Mary where she'd learned French.

Tom perguntou à Mary onde ela tinha aprendido francês.

She told me she'd talk to him.

Ela me disse que falaria com ele.

She didn't say where she'd met him.

- Ela não disse onde ela tinha o conhecido.
- Ela não disse onde ela o conheceu.

- Tom told Mary that she'd done the right thing.
- Tom told Mary she'd done the right thing.

- Tom disse a Mary que ela havia feito a coisa certa.
- Tom disse a Mary que ela tinha feito a coisa certa.

And she'd come out and be very curious.

Aparecia e ficava muito curioso.

She'd rather be spending time with someone else.

Ela preferiria estar passando o tempo com outro alguém.

Tom asked Mary where she'd put the key.

- Tom perguntou a Mary onde ela tinha posto a chave.
- Tom perguntou a Mary onde ela tinha colocado a chave.

Do you think she'd do something like that?

Você acha que ela faria algo assim?

Mary wouldn't tell me who she'd talked to.

Mary não me contaria com quem ela teria falado.

Mary said she'd be willing to help us.

- Mary disse que ela estaria disposta a nos ajudar.
- Mary disse que estaria disposta a nos ajudar.

- Tom wished that Mary would tell him where she'd been.
- Tom wished Mary would tell him where she'd been.

Tom desejava que a Mary lhe contasse onde ela estava.

- Had she known the results, she would have been shocked.
- If she'd known the results, she'd have been shocked.

Ela estaria chocada se soubesse o resultado.

Mary has something she'd like to say to everyone.

Mary tem algo que ela gostaria de dizer a todos.

Mary told Tom that she'd be home on Monday.

Mary falou para o Tom que ela estaria em casa na segunda-feira.

She'd kill me if she knew I told you.

Ela me mataria se soubesse que eu te disse

If my aunt had testicles, she'd be my uncle.

Se minha tia tivesse testículos, ela seria meu tio.

She'd made me realize just how precious wild places are.

Fez-me perceber quão preciosos são os sítios selvagens.

Tom asked Mary if she'd like a cup of coffee.

Tom perguntou a Mary se ela gostaria de uma xícara de café.

She said she'd call the police if I didn't leave.

Ela disse que chamaria a polícia se eu não fosse embora.

- Tom didn't ask Mary because he was afraid that she'd say no.
- Tom didn't ask Mary because he was afraid she'd say no.

- Tom não perguntou a Mary porque ele temia que ela dissesse não.
- Tom não perguntou a Mary porque estava com medo que ela dissesse não.

She'd been stuffed into a suitcase and buried underneath the house.

Tinha sido metida dentro de uma mala e enterrada por baixo da casa.

She'd like him to come to her house at 2:30.

Ela gostaria que ele viesse à sua casa às 2:30.

Mary thinks that if she'd done that, Tom would've been upset.

Mary acha que se ela tivesse feito isso, Tom teria ficado decepcionado.

Mary said she wanted to do something she'd never done before.

Mary disse que ela queria fazer algo que ela nunca tinha feito antes.

She forgot to ask him what she'd planned to ask him.

Ela esqueceu de perguntar para ele o que iria perguntar.

She'd just begun to read the book when someone knocked on the door.

Ela tinha acabado de começar a ler o livro quando alguém bateu na porta.

You could buy anything in this store for Mary and she'd like it.

Você poderia comprar qualquer coisa nessa loja para Maria, que ela ia gostar.

- She said that she would help me.
- She said that she'd help me.

Ela disse que me ajudaria.

She'd like him to get in touch with her as soon as possible.

Ela gostaria que ele entrasse em contato com ela assim que possível.

Mary had no choice but to do what she'd been told to do.

Mary não teve escolha a não ser fazer o que lhe disseram para fazer.

She got out the bottle of champagne she'd been saving for a special occasion.

Ela mostrou a garrafa de champanhe que ela tinha guardado para uma ocasião especial.

When I saw my sister's photo, I was astonished at how old she'd become.

Quando vi a foto de minha irmã, fiquei impressionado com seu rápido envelhecimento.

When I saw my sister's picture, I was astonished at how old she'd become.

Quando vi a foto de minha irmã, me surpreendi que ela tivesse envelhecido tanto.

Tom asked Mary how much she'd paid for the sofa in her living room.

Tom perguntou a Maria quanto ela tinha gastado no sofá da sala dela.

- Tom told me Mary was very beautiful, but I didn't think she'd be that beautiful.
- Tom told me that Mary was very beautiful, but I didn't think she'd be that beautiful.

O Tom me disse que a Mary era bonita, mas eu não pensava que ela era tão bonita assim.

Tom knew Mary would sit with John, but he was hoping she'd sit with him.

Tom sabia que a Mary ia se sentar com o John, mas ele tinha esperança de que ela iria se sentar com ele.

That day, Mary promised herself that she'd never smoke again. And she never smoked again.

Naquele dia, Maria prometeu para si mesma que nunca mais fumaria. E nunca mais fumou.

- I wish she would stop smoking.
- I'd like her to stop smoking.
- I wish she'd stop smoking.

Eu gostaria que ela parasse de fumar.

Tom took out his wallet and offered to pay for dinner, but Mary said that she'd pay.

Tom pegou sua carteira e se ofereceu para pagar o jantar, mas Mary disse que pagaria.

- She forgot that she had promised to call him last night.
- She forgot she'd promised to call him last night.

Ela esqueceu que prometera ligar para ele noite passada.

- I would do anything for you.
- I'd do anything for you.
- He'd do anything for you.
- She'd do anything for you.
- He would do anything for you.
- She would do anything for you.

Faria qualquer coisa por você.