Translation of "There" in Polish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "There" in a sentence and their polish translations:

- Is anybody there?
- Is there anybody there?
- Is anyone there?

- Ktoś tam jest?
- Czy ktoś tam jest?

- Hello, is there anybody there?
- Hello? Anyone there?

Cześć, jest tam ktoś ?

- There is no one there.
- There's nobody there.
- There's no one there.

Nikogo tam nie ma.

Is there anybody in there?

Jest tam ktokolwiek w środku ?

- Sit there.
- Sit down there.

Usiądź tu.

- Who's there?
- Who is there?

Kto tam?

There wasn't any spider there.

Pająka tam nie było.

- There is no one there.
- There's no one there.

Nikogo tam nie ma.

- There was nobody there.
- No one was there.
- Nobody was around.
- Nobody was there.

Nikogo tam nie było.

- Tom is there.
- Tom is in there.
- Tom's in there.

Tom jest tam.

There were barely fifty people there.

Było tam zaledwie 50 osób.

- There you are.
- There you are!

Tutaj jesteś.

- There it is.
- There he is.

Tam jest.

Is there someone there with you?

Czy ktoś tam z tobą jest?

- They weren't there.
- You weren't there.

- Ich tam nie było.
- Pana tam nie było.

- Hang in there.
- Hang in there!


- Is somebody there?
- Is anybody there?

Jest tam ktoś?

- It isn't there.
- It's not there.

Nie ma tam tego.

There were strange things happening there.

Działy się tam dziwne rzeczy.

There is a monster out there.

Tam jest potwór.

- Is somebody there?
- Is anyone there?

Jest tam ktoś?

- There's somebody in there.
- There's somebody out there.
- There's someone in there.
- There's someone out there.
- There's someone up there.

Ktoś tam jest.

She's there.

Była tam.

Along there.


It's there.

To jest tam.

Look there.

- Spójrz tam.
- Popatrz tam.

Stop there.

Zatrzymaj się.

Sit there.

- Usiądź tam.
- Usiądźcie tam.

Stay there.

Zostań tam.

Wait there.

Czekaj tutaj.

Who's there?

Kto jest tutaj?

They're there.

Oni są tam.

- What is over there?
- What's over there?

Co znajduje się tam?

- We're almost there.
- We are almost there.

Prawie jesteśmy na miejscu.

There was no one there besides me.

Nie było tam nikogo poza mną.

Where there is heart, there is luck.

Gdzie serce tam i szczęście.

Where there is salt, there is life.

Gdzie jest sól, jest życie.

- Is there anybody here?
- Is anybody there?

Jest tam kto?

- Was Tom there?
- Has Tom been there?

Czy Tom tam był?

- Everyone was there.
- Everyone has been there.

Wszyscy tam byli.

There are no galaxies, there are no stars, there are no planets.

Nie było galaktyk, gwiazd ani planet.

- Tom was also there.
- Tom was there as well.
- Tom was there, too.

Tom też tam był.

-[dog barks] -There she is, down there! Dana!

Jest tam na dole! Dana!

-[Dana barks] -There she is, down there! Dana!

Jest tam na dole! Dana!

Yeah, there is definitely something metal down there.

Tak, z pewnością jest coś metalowego tam na dole.

- He seldom went there.
- He rarely went there.

Rzadko tam bywał.

- There isn't any solution.
- There is no solution.

Nie ma rozwiązania.

I think that there is a man there.

- Sądzę, że jest mężczyzna tam.
- Wydaje mi się, że jest mężczyzna tam.
- Uważam, że jest mężczyzna tam.

- There was a witness.
- There was one witness.

Był jeden świadek.

- The hotel is there.
- There's a hotel there.

Tam jest hotel.

- What's he doing there?
- What is he doing there?
- What's he doing over there?

Co on tam robi?

Right up there.

Tam u góry.

There we go.

Oto jest!

There he is.

Tam jest.

She's almost there.

Już prawie.

There you go.

Proszę bardzo.

there she was.

była tam.

They live there.

Oni tam żyją.

There it is.

Tam jest.

I am there.

Jestem tam.

Nobody lives there.

Nikt tam nie mieszka.

Put it there.

Połż to tam.

There are exceptions.

Zdarzają się wyjątki.

Who goes there?

Kto tam idzie?

There is lightning.

Błyska się.

Were you there?

Byłeś tam?

Send me there.

Poślij mnie tam.

That counter there.

To tamto okienko.

You weren't there.

Wy nie byliście tam.

There are similarities.

Są podobieństwa.

What happened there?

Co tam się stało?

Was Tom there?

Czy Tom tam był?

Tom worked there.

Tom tam pracował.

Everybody's still there.

Wszyscy nadal tam są.

Is everything there?

Wszystko tam jest?

Is there more?

Czy jest jeszcze więcej?

Sit right there.

Usiądź tutaj.

Someone was there.

Ktoś tam był.

Stand over there.

Stań tam.

There are discrepancies.

Są rozbieżności.

Who was there?

Kto był tam?

Stay in there.

Zostań w środku!

There she comes.

- Patrz, idzie!
- A oto i ona!

There you go!

A oto praca!

Yes, over there.

Tak, tam.

There! She comes!

- O, idzie!
- Zobacz, przyszła!
- O, oto i ona!

There you are.

Tutaj jesteś.

Tom lived there.

Tom tam mieszkał.

Is anyone there?

Ktoś tam jest?

Look who's there.

Zobacz, kto tam jest.

There was enough.

Było dość.