Translation of "Robber" in Portuguese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Robber" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Human killer smuggler robber

ladrão de contrabandista assassino humano

The robber was never apprehended.

O ladrão nunca foi preso.

The robber was nabbed this morning.

O ladrão foi pego esta manhã.

The robber aimed his gun at the clerk.

O assaltante apontou sua arma para o funcionário.

The robber seized the bag from his hand.

O ladrão pegou a bolsa da sua mão.

The police seized the robber by the neck.

Os policiais pegaram o ladrão pelo pescoço.

No one lets a robber in their house.

Ninguém deixa um ladrão entrar em sua casa.

Suddenly a robber stepped out of the darkness.

De repente, da escuridão surgiu um salteador.

- The robber was nabbed this morning.
- The thief was apprehended this morning.

Pegaram o ladrão esta manhã.