Translation of "Reigns" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Reigns" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Chaos reigns in Mary's flat.

O caos reina no apartamento da Mary.

Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ commands.

Cristo vence. Cristo reina. Cristo impera.

The sun reigns in the center of all.

O Sol reina no centro de tudo.

Where love reigns, there's no need for laws.

Onde reina o amor, sobram as leis.

The king reigns, but he doesn't control things.

O rei reina, mas não governa.

The queen reigns, but does not rule in England.

A rainha reina, mas não governa na Inglaterra.

During the reigns of Kings Louis XV and Louis XVI, France supported the English colonists in their resistance against the London government not because of an admiration for democracy but because the French wanted to weaken the British, who, for a long period of time, had been the enemies of the Government of France.

Durante os reinados de Luís XV e Luís XVI, a França apoiou os colonos ingleses em sua resistência contra o governo de Londres, não porque os franceses admirassem a democracia, mas porque eles queriam debilitar os britânicos, que durante muito tempo haviam sido inimigos do governo da França.

- Those indignant winds grumble with a loud murmuring around the confines of the mountain; Aeolus sits in his high citadel, holding his scepter, and he soothes their spirits and tempers their rages: if he did not do this, they would surely snatch away seas and lands and the deep heaven itself, and sweep them off through the windy sky.
- They, in the rock reverberant held fast, / moan at the doors. Here, throned aloft, he reigns; / his sceptre calms their rage, their violence restrains: / else earth and sea and all the firmament / the winds together through the void would sweep.

Com tremendo ribombo da montanha, / os ventos rugem irritados, pressionando / as obstruídas portas da prisão. / Éolo, empunhando o cetro, está sentado / em levantado trono, as iras moderando / e os excitados ânimos contendo. / Não fosse ele, por certo os ventos impetuosos / levariam consigo águas, terras e o céu / profundo, dispersando-os pelo espaço.