Translation of "Lurid" in Portuguese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Lurid" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Then, amid the lurid light, / I see Troy sinking in the flames around, / and mighty Neptune's walls laid level with the ground.

Vejo nas chamas Ílio inteira se abismar, / de alto a baixo esboroar a Troia de Netuno.

- Suddenly the clouds snatch away both sky and even daylight from the eyes of the Trojans: black night lies upon the sea; the poles thunder, and the upper air flashes with repeated fires, and all things threaten immediate death for the men.
- Clouds the darkened heavens have drowned, / and snatched the daylight from the Trojans' eyes. / Black night broods on the waters; all around / from pole to pole the rattling peals resound / and frequent flashes light the lurid air. / All nature, big with instant ruin, frowned / destruction.

De repente, / as nuvens toldam o céu, roubando a luz / aos olhos dos troianos, qual se as trevas / da noite já descessem sobre o mar. / Os polos estrondeiam; com frequentes / relâmpagos, cintila todo o espaço, / e de morte iminente a natureza / ameaça aqueles homens.