Translation of "Identified" in Portuguese

0.041 sec.

Examples of using "Identified" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

identified as white evangelical Christians.

identificados como cristãos evangélicos brancos.

The police identified Dan by his fingerprints.

A polícia identificou Dan por suas impressões digitais.

The lost boy was identified by his clothes.

O guri desaparecido foi identificado pelas roupas.

The lost child was identified by his clothes.

A criança desaparecida foi identificada por sua roupa.

Linda identified Dan as the man who had raped her.

Linda identificou Dan como o homem que a estuprou.

The author of the phrase prefers not to be identified.

O autor da frase prefere não ser identificado.

The boy who had been missing was identified by his clothes.

O garoto que estava desaparecido foi identificado pelas roupas.

The body they found in the park hasn't yet been identified.

O corpo que encontraram no parque ainda não foi identificado.

- I recognised him immediately.
- I recognized him right away.
- I identified him immediately.

Eu o identifiquei imediatamente.

England was invaded by men who were very early on identified as the Ragnarssons, and my suggestion

A Inglaterra foi invadida por homens que muito cedo foram identificados como os Ragnarssons, e minha sugestão

They identified two brain areas with sizes that are apparently associated with the ideas and political values of an individual.

Eles identificaram no cérebro duas áreas cujas dimensões parecem estar relacionadas com as ideias e os valores políticos do indivíduo.