Translation of "Dough" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Dough" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

I fried the dough.

Eu fritei a massa.

Tom rolled the dough.

Tom enrolou a massa.

Tom cut the dough.

Tom cortou a massa.

Tom cut the dough in half.

- Tom cortou a massa pela metade.
- Tom cortou a massa ao meio.

Tom divided the dough into two portions.

Tom dividiu a massa em duas porções.

The baker forgot to put salt in the dough.

O padeiro esqueceu-se de colocar sal na massa.

- I have a lot of money.
- I have lots of money.
- I'm rolling in dough.

Eu tenho muito dinheiro.

The people therefore took dough before it was leavened; and tying it in their cloaks, put it on their shoulders.

Por isso, o povo teve de levar a farinha amassada, antes que se levedasse, carregando aos ombros as amassadeiras atadas em trouxas.

Acaraje, a Brazilian food from Africa, is a ball of caupi bean dough, onions, and salt, fried in palm oil and served with shrimp and a spicy sauce.

Acarajé, comida brasileira de origem africana, é um bolinho de massa de feijão-fradinho, cebola e sal, frito em azeite de dendê e servido com camarão e molho de pimenta.

And they baked the meal, which a little before they had brought out of Egypt in dough: and they made hearth cakes unleavened: for it could not be leavened, the Egyptians pressing them to depart, and not suffering them to make any stay; neither did they think of preparing any meat.

Com a massa trazida do Egito assaram pães ázimos, pois os egípcios, ao expulsá-los do país, haviam-nos obrigado a sair tão às pressas que os israelitas não puderam sequer esperar que fermentasse a massa com que preparariam provisões para o caminho.