Translation of "Congratulated" in Portuguese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Congratulated" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tom congratulated Mary.

Tom parabenizou Maria.

I congratulated Tom.

- Eu parabenizei o Tom.
- Parabenizei o Tom.

You deserve to be congratulated.

Você merece receber os parabéns.

She congratulated the new lieutenant.

Ela felicitou o novo tenente.

Everyone, except Tom, congratulated Mary.

Todos, com exceção do Tom, parabenizaram a Mary.

- They congratulated their 'sempai' on his promotion.
- They congratulated their colleague on his promotion.

Eles parabenizaram o veterano pela promoção.

I congratulated him on his success.

Eu o parabenizei pelo seu sucesso.

We congratulated him on his success.

- Nós o parabenizamos pelo seu sucesso.
- Nós o parabenizamos pelo sucesso dele.

We congratulated him on his graduation.

Nós o felicitamos por sua formatura.

I congratulated him on the birth of his son.

Eu o parabenizei pelo nascimento do filho dele.

I congratulated her on her success in the examination.

Parabenizei-o por passar no exame.