Translation of "Reveal" in Japanese

0.023 sec.

Examples of using "Reveal" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

reveal a rare oasis.


...and reveal secret lives within...


Hands reveal our inward emotions.


He didn't reveal his secret.


He didn't reveal his identity.


Night cameras reveal their secret world.

‎高感度カメラが ‎秘密のベールを取り払う

Lucy decided to reveal her love.


I threatened to reveal his secret.


Low-light cameras reveal the powerful predators...

‎高感度カメラが ‎その姿をとらえた

She was reluctant to reveal her secret.


Now reveal how North Koreans are shockingly deprived

当たり前に手に入る 日常のテクノロジーが

The reason that radar can reveal the bedrock


On no account should you reveal the secret.


He did not want to reveal the secret.


I want to reveal my secret to you.


I'm sure he will reveal his true nature.

- きっと彼は本性を現わすよ。
- 俺は、彼の化けの皮が剥がれると確信してるよ。

You can't reveal what you do for a living.

「自分が何の仕事をしているか 明かしてはいけない」 technology... allows us to reveal rarely seen creatures...

‎最先端の技術が珍しい生物の ‎夜の姿を映し出す

These letters reveal her to be an honest lady.


He was reluctant to reveal what he really meant.


The police will reveal the truth of the case.


...we can reveal the jungle in an entirely new light.

‎知られざるジャングルの姿が ‎明かされる

And our night cameras reveal what may be new behavior.

‎その珍しい行動を ‎カメラがとらえた

It is not ethical for a doctor to reveal confidences.


Who is able to reveal the mysteries of the sea?


And the blacker the night, the more wonders these waters reveal.

‎暗い夜ほど ‎海は不思議な世界を見せる

But low-light cameras reveal a species with a different approach.

‎だが高感度カメラが ‎別のホタルの光をとらえた

In the dead of night, low-light cameras reveal a remarkable sight.

‎真夜中に高感度カメラが ‎驚くべき光景をとらえた

Thermal cameras reveal what they can sense... warm blood in the pup's flipper.

‎赤外線カメラを通すと ‎明らかだ ‎狙いはヒレの温かい血液

Join us for the final part of Napoleon’s Marshals as we reveal our top 3 … coming

もうすぐ を明らかにするようナポレオンの元帥の最後の部分のためにご参加ください

Join us for the next part of Napoleon’s Marshals as we reveal our top 6 … coming


A glance at Chart 2 will reveal that some of these trade cycles are very short-lived.


- Who shall ever unravel the mysteries of the sea?
- Who is able to reveal the mysteries of the sea?


If he doesn't get a letter from me once a month, he will reveal the Pope's secret to the world.


The severity of such marks can reveal whether or not any of these people were habitually engaged in hard labor.


A polite way to reveal knowledge of a fact without telling the source of the information is to say, "a little bird told me".


- I tried in vain to catch him out.
- I tried to get him to show what his true nature was, but I couldn't.
- I tried to reveal him for what he really was, but it was impossible.
