Translation of "Recognize" in Japanese

0.015 sec.

Examples of using "Recognize" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

It can recognize food


I don't recognize it.


You may recognize this gentleman.


And the newspapers will recognize it,


How many of you recognize this?

この形が何か どのぐらいの方がわかりますか?

The world did not recognize him.


I couldn't recognize him at first.


She didn't appear to recognize me.


I recognize that person from somewhere.


I didn't recognize him at first.

- 最初は彼が誰だか分からなかった。
- 最初は彼が誰かわからなかった。

I couldn't recognize her at first.


To recognize and cultivate my students’ passions,

生徒達の情熱を認識し 育て

And people around me will recognize it;


Should recognize the limitations of our analysis.


If you recognize this person, call 110!


Recognize and respect the personality of a person.


I can recognize him even in a crowd.


We need to recognize that maybe "acting less weird"

「奇行を減らすこと」が 自閉症者にとっての最適解ではないと

That an octopus in captivity can recognize different humans.

捕獲されたタコが複数の人間を 識別できると分かりました

I didn't recognize him at first on the train.

- 列車の中で、最初のうちは彼だと分からなかった。
- 電車の中で、初めのうち、彼だと分からなかった。

I couldn't recognize him, not having met him before.


- I wonder if she will recognize me after all those years.
- I wonder if she'll recognize me after so many years.


- He wore a mask so that no one could recognize him.
- He wore a mask so no one would recognize him.


You may recognize a divide like this in your life.

皆さんも こういう溝を 感じることがあるかもしれません

I'm sure you'll recognize at least some of these superbugs.

皆さんも 少なくとも この超耐性菌の いくつかをご存知だと思います

She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her.


There were many who couldn't recognize him in that disguise.


I wonder if she'll recognize me after so many years.


I wonder if she'll recognize me after all these years.

- 何年もたっているので彼女は私のことを見分けがつくかしら。
- 数年ぶりだから、彼女は私のことがわかるかなあ。
- 数年ぶりで、彼女は私の顔を覚えているだろうか。

To the modern era. You might recognize typographer Hermann Zapf

現代に至るまでもたらしめました あなたは活版作家Hermann Zapfをご存知でしょうか

Tom was the first one to recognize Mary's musical talent.


He wore a mask so no one would recognize him.

- 彼は正体を見破られないように仮面をつけていた。
- 彼は覆面をしていたので、誰も彼だと分からなかった。

Quite a few people couldn't recognize him in that disguise.

- かなり多くの人が、変装していたのが彼だったとは気づかなかった。
- かなり多くの人が、変装していたのが彼だとわからなかった。

For instance recognize a face or solve an equation or whatsoever,

例えば 顔を認証したり 難題を解決したり 何でもいいですが

It can be even harder to recognize what propaganda looks like.

プロパガンダがどんなものかを認識する事が むしろ難しくなるかもしれません

You don't recognize the issues that are standing in your way

まず 自分では 障害となっている課題に気付かない

I recognize that right now, I am on this incredible journey

私は今まさに 大きな情熱を傾ける研究に邁進でき

I wonder if she will recognize me after all those years.


You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you.


He wore a mask so that no one could recognize him.


It's not okay, but I recognize that you are more than that.

それは許せないけど あなたには それ以上の良さがあります

Not having seen him before, I'll not be able to recognize him.


While we hate force, we recognize the need for law and order.


You know and we don't recognize how much trust we have in society.

私たちはどれだけ社会を信頼しているか 認識していません

His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.

- 彼は外見が大層変わってしまったので、あなたには彼だとわからないでしょう。
- 彼の外見はすっかり変わってしまったので、おそらく君は彼だとわからないだろう。

It was a number I didn't recognize but something compelled me to answer it.

知らない番号からの着信でしたが なぜか 出ないといけない気がしました

I met her at the station, but I did not recognize her in uniform.


Wow, you got your hair cut short. For a moment, I didn't recognize you!


- Can you identify the man in this picture?
- Do you recognize the man in this photo?


I know nothing about constellations. I can only recognize Orion and Cassiopeia. Oh, and the Big Dipper, too.


Young people can recognize this about romantic love, but they find it hard to accept the same fierce element in parental affection.


However, when listening to an unknown foreign language, our ability to discern different words is lost, and we recognize speech as being a stream of sounds without many pauses.


If the distance you move the pen is too small, the speed too slow, it can't recognize the gestures well and you can't operate it in the way you thought.


- The movement of South Africa can no longer suppress the movement for equality.
- The government of South Africa can no longer suppress the movement to recognize equal rights for black people.
