Translation of "Monarchy…" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Monarchy…" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

By the restored monarchy.

反逆罪で逮捕されました 。

Take the United Kingdom and its monarchy.


The restored Bourbon monarchy  showered titles and honours on  

ナポレオンに忠実に奉仕し続けました 。

Ney was feted by the restored Bourbon monarchy as France’s greatest soldier.


And Victor switched his loyalty to the  Bourbon monarchy… with surprising zeal.


Murat was sentenced to death by the  restored Bourbon monarchy of Naples.


He went on to serve the restored  monarchy as ambassador to Russia,  


Macdonald was kept on as a military advisor by France’s restored Bourbon monarchy.


Army-backed purge of pro-royalist politicians,  threatening to restore the French monarchy.


But retired from public life in 1830, following  the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy.


Under the restored monarchy, he served as  Minister of War, and tried but failed to  

復元された君主の下で、彼は戦争大臣を務め、 ネイ元帥を死刑から救お

Many in England want to see the public subsidy of the monarchy done away with.


Many people in England would like to see the public subsidy of the monarchy abolished.


When Napoleon deposed Spain’s Bourbon monarchy,  Murat hoped he’d be made the new King of Spain,  


When Napoleon returned from exile in 1815, Oudinot  refused to break his new oath to the monarchy, but  

。 ナポレオンが1815年に亡命から戻ったとき、ウディノは君主制への新しい誓いを破ることを拒否しましたが、

Louis the 14th, known as the "Sun King", brought about the golden age of the French absolute monarchy.
