Translation of "King’s" in Japanese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "King’s" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference after King’s assassination the


To join the King’s Constitutional Guard, along with his old schoolfriend Joachim Murat.

彼の古い学友のジョアシャン・ミュラと一緒に国王の憲法上の警備隊に加わる ためにパリに送られまし

When the king’s niece reduced his wife to tears, Ney confronted her, shouting “I and

王様の姪が妻を涙に流したとき、ネイは「 イギリス式庭園でお茶を飲みながら、

With the king’s allies demanding that an example be made of Ney, the outcome of his

王の同盟国がネイの模範を示すことを要求したため、彼の 裁判 の結果は