Translation of "Institutions" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Institutions" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Even the very best institutions,


Living in institutions like orphanages,


From different institutions and multiple disciplines

多様な学科からの 大学生や大学院生

The most powerful institutions of this world


That children who grow up in institutions,


People want more money to expand educational institutions.


We need to promote policies and institutions and practices

私たちを共同体として結びつける 政策や機関や慣行を

A lot of these community institutions fell into disrepair.

コミュニティ施設の多くは 荒廃が進みました

On one side you have institutions and people with money.

一方には お金のある団体や個人がいて

Our city doesn't have enough public institutions for the aged.


We must confront the ways that our actions and our institutions

私たちの行動や制度が たとえ意図せずだったとしても

If our institutions are all failing and beyond hope for reform,

この世の制度がとことん破綻し 改善の見込みが立たなければ

Institutions, however noble their missions, have failed to replace the family.


Corporate borrowing from financial institutions is rising due to the low interest rate.


The samples were collected from two hundred medical institutions all over the world.


The other thing we need to do is upend the hate in our institutions

行う必要があることは 私たちの組織や政府の中にある