Translation of "Powerful" in Japanese

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Powerful" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Rules are powerful,


Allyship is powerful.


This is so powerful.

この方法は とても強力で

Fight those powerful forces,


And very powerful swimmer.


He has powerful arms.


Tom's eyes are powerful.


And it was so powerful.


They made more powerful arms.


He defeated his powerful antagonists.


Japan's army was very powerful.


- He is powerful.
- He's strong.


And they were powerful and transformative.

それらは 力強く自己変革的なものでした

Because art is a powerful tool.


Caused by powerful and nefarious forces


Japan has become a powerful nation.


Germany then had a powerful army.


The elephant is a powerful animal.


He had a wonderfully powerful memory.


That flower has a powerful smell.


Once only is a very powerful rule,

一度きりの原則は とても強い規則であり

So this is why stories are powerful,


And unveiled a powerful lesson about change.

変化についての重大なレッスンを 与えてくれました

The most powerful institutions of this world


That without a powerful new restoration story,

強力な 新しい回復の物語なしでは

Low-light cameras reveal the powerful predators...

‎高感度カメラが ‎その姿をとらえた

This lamp sends out a powerful beam.


Our team competed with a powerful rival.


Japan has economically become a powerful nation.


And this visual feedback is so powerful

この視覚的フィードバックは 本当に効果的で

And there was a powerful lesson that day

そして この日 とても強力な教訓がありました

Regulate powerful corporations or raise wages for workers.

労働者賃金を上げたりといった 経済政策を施行することもできますし

This move creates much, much more powerful middlemen.

この変化により さらに強力な 仲介者が生み出されます

Matt is a powerful acquisition for our team.


His powerful speech carried the audience with him.


He has powerful connections in the publishing industry.


- He is powerful.
- She is strong.
- They're strong.


Jack is a powerful acquisition for our team.


- He is powerful.
- He's strong.
- He is strong.


And they are a powerful tool of social transformation

我々の誰もが使える 社会変革の強力なツールともなっています

The first, you seem powerful in your own eyes.

1つ目は 力がありそうだ という自分に対する自己判断

They discovered an extremely powerful way to do encryption

彼らは 非常に強力な暗号化の方法

Magic tricks provide a powerful tool to investigate this,

マジックは それを調査する 強力な道具となり

Is so much more powerful than just telling them.

単に言葉で伝えるよりも はるかに強力なのです

Similarly, reputation is a very powerful economic force, right?

類似したところでは 評判はとても強い経済の原動力と言えます

Indeed this car is small, but it is powerful.


This computer is powerful, efficient, and easy to use.

- このコンピューターは強力で効率がよく使いやすい。
- このパソコンはハイパワーで高効率で使うのも簡単だ。

Is actually very powerful in getting people to behave better.


The second, you seem powerful in the eyes of others.

2つ目は 力がありそうだ という自分に対する他者の判断

3D printing technology, it is a tool, a powerful tool.

3Dプリンティング技術は パワフルなツールです

It's a powerful tool that engages both sight and insight


And for that, these two countries, these two powerful giants,

そのためには この2つの大国が

A nation need not necessarily be powerful to be great.


- Tom's eyes are powerful.
- There is power in Tom's eyes.


He thought that it was such an important powerful concept,

彼はそのコンセプトが とても重要で意味あるものだと考え

Because in a complex world, compassion and empathy are powerful teachers.

複雑な世界では 思いやりや共感の心は 強力な指導者です

Now, stories are powerful, they're vivid, they bring it to life.

物語は力強く鮮やかで 生き生きとしています

Odor is a powerful tool for sending signals through the darkness.

‎匂いもまた ‎暗闇での道しるべになる

One powerful example is that In the past, in 2001 and 2002,

過去の 良い例を挙げると 2001年と2002年に

I believe the inertia-kind of gravity plays a powerful role here.

ここに大きくかかわっている「引力」は 慣性の力だと私は確信しています

These pedicellariae will grab your skin and inject this really powerful venom.

この叉棘が肌に食いつき 強力な毒を注入する

His troops went straight into action,  holding off a powerful Coalition attack…  

彼の軍隊はすぐに行動に移し、強力な連合軍の攻撃を 阻止しました …

He now commanded one of the most powerful warships in the Caribbean.


Last week the powerful Keidanren called on Tokyo to lift the ban.


It was such a powerful explosion that the roof was blown off.


- Such was the explosion that the roof was blown off.
- The explosion was so powerful that the roof was blown away.
- It was such a powerful explosion that the roof was blown off.
- The explosion was so powerful that the roof was blown off.


That we can make them so much more effective, so much more powerful.

既存の療法をずっと効果的で 力強い治療にできるでしょう

How do you know who the most powerful person in the room is?

その部屋の中で誰が一番有力者か どうやって見分けますか?

The most powerful person in the room has the most relaxed breathing pattern.

その部屋で一番の有力者は 最もリラックスした呼吸をしている人です

And it makes it really powerful to know that somebody else has told.

他の誰かが語るからこそ 力強いものになるんです

But now Pitt feared Napoleon’s conquests had made France too powerful – the French

しかし今 ナポレオンがフランス一強の状況を 作ったことがピットの懸念を生んだ

Scientists believe that about 13.7 billion years ago, a powerful explosion called the Big Bang happened. This powerful explosion set the universe into motion and this motion continues today.


- The supervisor bought a really fast machine.
- The supervisor bought a really powerful machine.


- Such was the explosion that the roof was blown off.
- The explosion was so powerful that the roof was blown away.
- It was such a powerful explosion that the roof was blown off.


As the age of powerful feudal lords ended, so too did the age of the castle.

強力な封建領主の時代の終わりは 城の時代の終わりでもあった

When two powerful forces with opposite ideals come face to face, it's time for a showdown.


How boring the world would be if there wasn't people better and more powerful than me.


With super-powerful jaws and a bite more painful than a snake’s, it’s a predator to be feared.

強いあごで ヘビの牙以上の 苦痛を与える怖い生物です

In ancient Rome, the bodyguards who surrounded the wealthy and powerful to protect them when they walked the streets, were called satellites.


[narrator] This mighty one and a half meter tall, 100-kilo mammal is immensely powerful and more than capable of inflicting mortal wounds.

この身長1.5メートル 体重100キロの獣は― かなりの怪力の持ち主で 致命傷を与えられます

The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history.
