Translation of "Defence " in Japanese

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Examples of using "Defence " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

The man pleaded self-defence.


The best defence is a good offence.


Defence of France lay in his hands.

の 防衛 に対する責任 が彼の手に委ねられた。

In Oudinot’s defence, he’d probably been given an  


Fever is one of the body's defence mechanisms.


Saint-Cyr’s skilled defence  of Dresden set the stage for  


The threat increases; a defence that doesn't evolve is meaningless.


- He trusted his defense attorney.
- He trusted his defence lawyer.


Marmont played an important role in  Napoleon’s 1814 defence of France,  


By Russian Cossacks, Napoleon sent him  north to organise the city’s defence.  

に襲撃 され たとき 、ナポレオンは都市の防衛を組織するために彼を北に送りました。

Following the Emperor’s defeat at Waterloo,  Davout organised the defence of Paris,  


Through the desperate defence of France,  until the Emperor’s abdication in April 1814.


Masséna held the village of Aspern, while  Lannes organised the defence of Essling.  


He was eventually starved into surrender, but his stubborn defence bought Napoleon enough

にジェノヴァの英雄的な防衛を主導しました。 彼は最終的に降伏に飢えましたが、彼の頑固な防衛はナポレオン

With Masséna besieged by the Austrians in Genoa, the defence of southern France fell


In 1814, the final defence of the French  capital fell to troops under Mortier  

1814年、フランスの首都の最終的な防衛は、 モンシー元帥の州兵の支援を受けて、

That's no good! You're tall so you've got to be in the forward defence.


Victor continued to serve at the Emperor’s  side in the defence of France in 1814.  


A young general, Napoleon Bonaparte, had  been put in charge of the defence of the  

若い将軍、ナポレオン・ボナパルトが 国民公会の 防衛を担当していました

Its design will force any attacker to overcome successive layers of strong defence to reach

攻撃側は何層もの防御網を突破して 最後の砦キープを目指さなければならない

He rejoined the army in 1814 and fought in the defence of France, commanding the Young

保持 しました。 彼は1814年に軍に復帰し、フランスの防衛で戦い、ヤング

Rewarded with command of the Army of Italy, Masséna led a heroic defence of Genoa in

ました。 イタリア軍の指揮で報われたマセナは、

And the defence of Dresden. Incredibly, this  was the first and only time that he worked  

とドレスデンの防衛を行った。信じられないことに、彼 が天皇と直接一緒

One last time in the defence of France, and was  in heavy fighting at Montmirail and Montereau.

オールドガードを率いるために戻り 、モンミライユとモントローで激しい戦いを繰り広げました。