Translation of "Communities" in Japanese

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Communities" in a sentence and their japanese translations:



Our communities.


And create real, strong communities.

本物の強いコミュニティを 生み出すという世界です

Of making shelter for communities,


That connect us as communities.


I am obsessed with forming healthy communities,

私は健やかなコミュニティを 作ることに夢中で

Video games and communities truly are quite related.

ビデオゲームとコミュニティには 深い繋がりがあります

And academia, and communities, and innovators for help.

学会や イノベーターに 支援を求めています

To reach more young people in more communities,

世界中の より多くの場所

These are passionate, dedicated advocates from local communities,

熱意に溢れ 献身的な 地元の活動家から成るチームで

Luckily some of our communities are doing just that.

幸い まさにこうしたことを やっている地域もあります

Without them ever having to leave their own communities.

生徒たちは地元から 出る必要すらありません

Man lives in communities such as cities and countries.


Question box is providing a lifeline in those communities,

質問箱はそんなコミュニティにとっての 生命線となります

Poor inner city communities caught the brunt of the blow.

スラム街のコミュニティが この大打撃の矢面に立たされたのでした

The communities were being destroyed by this powerfully addictive drug,

この強烈に中毒性の高い麻薬により コミュニティは崩壊の一途を辿り

I watched families and communities go from being laid off,

いくつもの家族やコミュニティの 失業に始まり

Go search for communities that you can be part of.

その一部になれるような コミュニティを探してください

Who are in rural, remote, hard to reach mountainous communities,

田舎の人里離れた山岳地帯の コミュニティの生徒と

Nobody forced these communities to take part in illegal drug sales,

こうしたコミュニティに対して 麻薬密売への関与を強制した人はいません

And so much is sacrificed for it -- it's factories, communities, jobs.

そのために多くのことが犠牲にされています 工場も コミュニティも 仕事も—

There's the perk of letting you join communities for paying members.


They were facing so many problems with their families and their communities

家族やコミュニティーに関する問題を 本当にたくさん抱えていました

They don't tell you about people, they don't tell you about communities.

人や コミュニティについて 何も語りません

Some we're going to need to do in businesses or in communities,

会社やコミュニティの中で あるいは社会全体で

And let them go out into communities and make these beautiful gardens,

コミュニティに出向かせて 美しい庭を作ってはどうだろうか

A diametrically opposed kinship pattern is to be observed among certain South Sea Island communities.


It's a troll trying for click-throughs. It's being multiposted in English-related communities all over the place.
