Translation of "Help" in Polish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Help" in a sentence and their polish translations:

- Help me.
- Help!
- Help me!

- Pomocy!
- Ratunku!

- Help me.
- Help us.

- Pomóż mi.
- Pomocy.

- Help me.
- Help me!

Pomóż mi!

- Help us.
- Help us!

Niech nam pan pomoże!



- I will help.
- I'll help.


- I will help.
- I'll help.
- I'm going to help.


- I need help.
- I need some help.
- I need help!
- I want help.

Potrzebuję pomocy.

- That should help.
- This should help.
- This ought to help.
- That ought to help.

To powinno pomóc.

Self-help is the best help.

Umiesz liczyć? Licz na siebie.

- You can help.
- You could help.

Mógłbyś pomóc.

- She needs help.
- He needs help.

Ona potrzebuje pomocy.

- Come and help!
- Come and help.

Przyjdź i pomóż!

- Come to help me.
- Come and help me.
- Come help me.

Chodź pomóż mi.

Hurry, help.

Szybko, pomocy!

Help me!

Pomóż mi!

Please help!


Help yourself.

Proszę się częstować.

We'll help.


Help Tom.

Pomóż Tom.

Help me.

Pomóż mi.

I'll help.

Pomogę ci.

- Tom asked for help.
- Tom requested help.

Tom poprosił o pomoc.

- Let me help you.
- Let me help.

Pozwól, że ci pomogę.

- I will help you.
- I'll help you.

Pomogę ci.

- Let's help Tom.
- Let's all help Tom.

Pomóżmy Tomowi.

- I'll get help.
- I'm going for help.

Sprowadzę pomoc.

- We've got to help those who can't help themselves.
- We must help those who can't help themselves.

Musimy pomagać tym, którzy nie mogą sami sobie pomóc.

- I must help him.
- I must help her.
- I need to help him.
- I need to help her.
- I have to help him.
- I have to help her.
- I've got to help him.
- I've got to help her.

Muszę mu pomóc.

- Could you help me?
- Can you help me?
- Could you guys help me?

Możesz mi pomóc?

- God helps those who help themselves.
- Help yourself and God will help you.

Bóg pomaga tym, którzy pomagają sobie sami.

- He screamed for help.
- He cried out for help.
- He yelled for help.

Krzyczał po pomoc.

- Tom isn't going to help.
- Tom won't help.

Tom nie pomoże.

- Can I help you?
- May I help you?

Czy mogę ci pomóc?

- That won't help you.
- This won't help you.

To ci nie pomoże.

- Can anybody help me?
- Can somebody help me?

Czy ktoś może mi pomóc?

- We require your help.
- We need your help.

Załóżmy, że potrzebna nam twoja pomoc.

- I cannot help you.
- I can't help you.

Nie potrafię ci pomóc.

- We need your help.
- We need your help!

Potrzebujemy twojej pomocy.

- I need his help.
- I want his help.

- Chcę jego pomocy.
- Chcemy, żeby nam pomógł.

- I must help him.
- I need to help him.
- I have to help him.
- I've got to help him.

Muszę mu pomóc.

- I need urgent help.
- I'm in desperate need of help.
- I need help badly.

Pilnie potrzebuję pomocy.

- You've got to help us.
- You must help us.
- You have to help us.

Pan musi nam pomóc.

- I need help.
- I need a hand.
- I need some help here.
- I want some help.
- I need help here.

Potrzebuję pomocy.

I needed help.

Potrzebowałam pomocy.

Come help me.

Chodź pomóż mi.

SOS, please help!


You need help.

Potrzebujesz pomocy.

Tom needs help.

Tom potrzebuje pomocy.

Let me help.

Pozwól mi pomóc.

Help Tom out.

Wspieraj Toma!

Can somebody help?

Czy ktoś pomoże?

I help nobody.

Nie pomagam nikomu.

Go for help.

Sprowadź pomoc!

Help me, please.

Pomóż mi, proszę.

Please help me.

Pomóż mi, proszę.

We must help.

Musimy pomóc.

Go help Tom.

Idź pomóc Tomowi.

Call for help.

Wezwij pomoc.

Can we help?

Czy możemy ci pomóc?

Can you help?


You can help.

Możesz pomóc.

I need help!

Potrzebuję pomocy!

Let's help Tom.

Pomóżmy Tomowi.

Can I help?

Mogę pomóc?

They need help.

Potrzebują pomocy.

Help! I'm drowning!

Pomocy! Tonę!

Help me understand!

Pomóż mi zrozumieć!

That should help.

To powinno pomóc.

Does that help?

Czy to pomaga?

Help the poor.

Pomagaj biednym.

I can't help.

Nie mogę pomóc.

Help yourself, please.

Proszę, obsłuż się!

They will help.

Oni pomogą.

We need help.

Potrzebujemy pomocy.

I help him.

Pomagam mu.

- Can you help me?
- Can you help me out?

Możesz mi pomóc?

- I can help you.
- I can help you out.

Mogę ci pomóc.

- I'll need some help.
- I will need some help.

Będę potrzebował pomocy.

- I couldn't help but cry.
- I couldn't help crying.

Nie mogłem powstrzymać płaczu.

- I want to help.
- I want to help out.

Chcę pomóc.

- We help each other.
- We help each other out.

- Pomagamy sobie nawzajem.
- Pomagamy sobie wzajemnie.

- Could you help me?
- Can you please help me?

Możesz mi pomóc?

- I could help you out.
- I could help you.

Mogłabym ci pomóc.

- I won't help you.
- I'm not going to help you.
- I will not help you.

Nie pomogę ci.