Translation of "Commander " in Japanese

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Examples of using "Commander " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

That soldier became a commander


He is commander of our troops.


But a bitter dispute with his commander,  

しかし、彼の指揮官である モロー将軍

It was his artillery commander, General Marmont,  


As military commander of Paris in 1830,  


The commander was roaring at his soldiers.


The commander exposed his men to gunfire.


But then, Peggy Whitson, the first female commander,

そんな時 初の女性ISSコマンダーである ペギー・ウィットソンが

Macdonald was a methodical, reliable if unspectacular commander.


Establishing a reputation as a  formidable divisional commander:  


Yet Berthier remained a  liability as a field commander.  


His limitations as an army commander were horribly exposed.


Of staff, and later as his best brigade commander.

長 を務め、後に彼の最高の旅団指揮官を務めた。

Himself by helping to capture the British commander, General O’Hara.

イギリスの司令官オハラ将軍を捕まえるのを手伝うことで彼自身を 際立た せました。

Together bluffed an Austrian commander  into surrendering a vital bridge,  

、オーストリアの司令官に 、休戦協定が締結されていないのに署名されていることを説得して、

Lefebvre’s record as a corps  commander was mixed – in Spain  


The commander gave orders that his men fire at once.


I was special force unit commander, 33 years old, Lieutenant Colonel,

私は特殊部隊の指揮官で 33歳の中佐として

Our commander-in-chief during the Yom Kippur in the 70s,

70年代の第4次中東戦争で 最高司令官の職務に就き

In his prime, Masséna was a superb commander – incisive, and dangerous.

彼は1817 年に 長い病気で亡くなりました。 彼の首相では、マセナは鋭敏で危険な優れた指揮官でした。

Napoleon chose Oudinot to succeed  him as commander of Second Corps.


As commander of the Army of  Catalonia. He completed the grim,  

サンシールの後任に派遣されました 。彼 はジローナ の厳しい 7か月の包囲

Together, they bluffed an Austrian commander  into surrendering a vital Danube bridge,  

一緒に、彼ら は休戦協定が調印されたことを彼に説得することによって

When the Austrian commander, Archduke Charles, launched a massive and unexpected counterattack,


His reputation as a brilliant, fearless and daring military commander remains undimmed.

彼の大胆不敵な指揮官としての華々しい 名声は衰えることなく残り続けた

Antipater, Alexander's commander in Greece, was already dealing with rebellion in Thrace.

ギリシアを任されていたアンティパトロスは、 その時トラキアで叛乱鎮圧に当たっていた

Its chief beneficiary would be the Army of  Italy’s new commander, Napoleon Bonaparte.


The army’s temporary commander - Marshal  Berthier – nearly left Davout to be cut off. 


Suchet was a brilliant commander, widely-regarded as the best administrator in Napoleon’s

軍の 最高の管理者として広く認められていました

Bessières distinguished himself as a cavalry commander in Italy, and later Egypt, winning

。 ベシエールはイタリア、そして後にエジプトで騎兵隊の指揮官として名を馳せ、

In 1804, Macdonald’s former commander General Moreau was arrested and charged with involvement

1804年、マクドナルドの元司令官モロー将軍が逮捕され、 ナポレオン暗殺計画への

Macdonald continued to serve Napoleon as a loyal and reliable commander throughout the

1814年のキャンペーン を通じて、忠実で信頼できる指揮官としてナポレオンに仕え続け

Commander, General Schérer resigned, over lack of support from the government in Paris,


Of the Napoleonic Wars – an extremely able  commander, side-lined for his politics…  


Later serving in Italy under Napoleon, Augereau  proved a highly effective divisional commander.  


Being wounded twice, and winning praise from  his commander, the future Marshal Lefebvre.


The mission’s commander, Jim McDivitt, had actually turned down the chance to fly to

見なさ れていました。 ミッションの司令官であるジム・マクディビットは、実際に

He was also appointed commander of Napoleon’s  Consular Guard. But he was dismissed after  


In 1791 Davout joined a local volunteer  battalion, and was elected its deputy commander.


Like Gus Grissom, mission commander Wally Schirra had been part of the original Mercury


The mission commander was Frank Borman – an Air Force Colonel, test pilot and aeronautical

エンジニアである フランクボーマン

Transferred to Italy, his friendship with Murat got him noticed by the army commander

イタリアに移されたムラットとの友情は、彼 を「レ・ガイド・ド・ボナパルト」として知られる

General Bonaparte, who was impressed enough to make him commander of his new bodyguard,


His flanking charge broke the enemy, and Murat  personally took the Ottoman commander prisoner,  

彼の側面攻撃は敵を壊し、ムラト は顎を撃たれたにもかかわらず

The Apollo 10 crew was Commander Tom Stafford, Command Module Pilot John Young, and Lunar


Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician,  he was the ideal corps commander in battle.  

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

The 30 year-old Ney was now a proven brigade commander, despite refusing promotion more

。 30歳のネイは、昇進 を何度 も拒否したにもかかわらず 、自分は資格がないと見なして、

Some old veterans began to weep for their old commander, until they were assured he

何人かの古い退役軍人は、彼 が負傷しただけであると 確信するまで、彼らの古い指揮官のために泣き始めまし

His death robbed Napoleon of a dependable commander, and one of his last remaining friends.


And turned out to be a brilliant brigade  commander. In 1800, he distinguished himself at  

、優秀な旅団指揮官であることが判明しました。 1800年、彼 はマレンゴの戦いで 際立っていまし

In the process he won a reputation as an organised and decisive commander, and brilliant tactician.


He also became the ‘grand old man’ of the French army, elevated to commander-in-chief,


But he was resolved to do his duty, now serving once more as Napoleon’s cavalry commander,

しかし、彼は任務を遂行することを決意し、 ムラット元帥の不在下で

Commander in the final campaign of 1814 –  but in April, he was one of several Marshals  

軍団 司令官 として勇気と忠実に皇帝に仕え続けました が、4月には、

He had proved himself an outstanding commander…  as brave as Ney, with the military mind of Soult…  

彼は 、彼の最大のキャンペーンの4つでナポレオンの前衛を率いた元帥

Throughout this period Bernadotte held key posts,  as Minister of War in 1799, Commander of the Army  

この期間中、ベルナドッテは1799年に戦争大臣 、1800年に西軍の 司令官 、1804年にハノーバー知事

General Nivelle is sacked as French commander-in-chief, and replaced by General Pétain, hero of Verdun,

ニヴェル将軍は更迭され、代わって ヴェルダンの英雄ペタン将軍が司令官に就任した

However, when I finally reached the castle I was thrown into this prison by the commander of the imperial guard.


The launch, which had been scheduled for this morning, was postponed because of the illness of shuttle Commander John Creighton.
