Translation of "Bark" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Bark" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Dogs bark.


Or the cambium bark.


Abrams intended to bark.


Does it bark at her?


A dog will bark at strangers.


Wake not at every dog's bark.


- Dogs bark when the caravan passes by.
- The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.


- Tom trained his dog to bark at strangers.
- Tom conditioned his dog to bark at strangers.


They stripped the tree of its bark.


His bark is worse than his bite.

- 彼は口やかましいが本心は悪くない。
- 彼のほえるのはかむのよりひどい。

Dogs bark when the caravan passes by.


The boy stripped a tree of the bark.


Tom conditioned his dog to bark at strangers.


Tom trained his dog to bark at strangers.


This dog is conditioned to bark at strangers.

- この犬は見知らぬ人に吠えるよう慣らされている。
- この犬は見知らぬ人にほえるようにしつけられている。
- この犬は知らない人には吠えるように躾けられています。

That birch bark goes straight up, it's so flammable.

シラカバの樹皮は かなり燃えやすい

That birch bark goes straight up. It's so flammable!

シラカバの樹皮は かなり燃えやすい

Extract an essence from the bark of a tree.


- Dogs that bark don't bite.
- Barking dogs don't bite.


Bears like to scratch their back on tree bark.


I imagine you're not the only one, Mr Bark.


- When the thief heard the dog bark, he took to his heels.
- When the thief heard the dog bark, he ran away.


Bears often scratch their backs on the bark of trees.


So, you wanna use some of the bark from the birch?


So look, if you get a bit of the bark off,


Okay, see, the cambium bark and that's that white layer there.

樹皮の形成層だ 白い層だよ

As soon as the dog saw me, it began to bark.


The problem is Mr. Bark, the man whose secretary is away.


Or I could just use some of the bark from this birch.

もしくはシラカバの 樹皮を使う

- You're all talk and no action!
- You're all bark and no bite.

- 口ばっかり!
- この口だけ番長!
- 口先だけなんだから!

You know, the little bark scorpions have enough punch to actually kill you.

ヤセサソリは死に至らしめる 毒を持ってる

Okay, so you've gone for the cambium bark? And that's that white layer there.

樹皮の形成層だね 白い層だよ

Birch bark might've been a better choice. We need to get back out, come on.

シラカバの樹皮がよかった 戻らなきゃ

So, you want to use some of the bark from the birch? Okay, let's try it.

白樺の樹皮がいいんだね やってみよう

If you see the day through with Mr Bark without losing your temper, I'll believe you.


I’m going to sleep now because my parents always bark at me to go to bed.


- Barking dogs seldom bite.
- Dogs that bark don't bite.
- Barking dogs don't bite.
- Barking dogs never bite.

- 吠える犬は滅多に噛まないものだ。
- 吠える犬はめったに噛み付く事はない。
- よく吠える犬はめったにかみつかない。

If you get one of the bark scorpions, little scorpions, they're highly venomous and actually can kill you.

小さなヤセサソリには かなり強い毒がある 死ぬ危険がある

If you get one of the bark scorpions, little scorpions, they are highly venomous and actually can kill you.

小さなヤセサソリには かなり強い毒がある 死ぬ危険がある

It's not gonna give me a lot of energy, but it's gonna give me something. So look, if you get a bit of the bark off,

でも何かしらの足しには なるだろう 樹皮を取ってきた