Translation of "Softly" in Hungarian

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Examples of using "Softly" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

Speak softly.

Halkabban beszélj!

Speaking softly of their dreams,

az álmaikról, reményeikről, jövőjükről

- Keep your voice down.
- Speak quietly.
- Speak softly.

Halkan beszélj!

- Lower your voice.
- Keep your voice down.
- Speak quietly.
- Speak softly.

Kérem beszéljen halkan.

- Keep your voice down.
- Keep your voice down!
- Speak quietly.
- Speak softly.

Ne beszélj hangosan.

"Just close your eyes," whispered Tom, and when Mary closed her eyes, he kissed her softly on the lips.

- Csak csukd be a szemed. - súgta Tom. És amikor Mária lehunyta a szemét, Tom ajkon csókolta őt.