Translation of "Furious  " in Hungarian

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Examples of using "Furious  " in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- Tom is furious.
- Tom's furious.

Tom dühös.

I'm furious.

Dühös vagyok.

- Tom is furious.
- Tom's frantic.
- Tom's furious.

Tom dühös.

I was furious.

Dühös voltam.

Tom was furious.

Tom dühös volt.

He looked furious.

Szörnyű pofákat vágott.

She looked furious.

Szörnyen nézett ki.

Mary looked furious.

Mari dühösnek tűnt.

My parents were furious.

A szüleim magukon kívül voltak a dühtől.

Right now, I'm furious.

Most nagyon mérges vagyok.

My mother was furious.

Anyám nagyon dühös.

The evil empire is furious.

A Gonosz birodalma nagyon gonosz.

- Are you angry?
- Are you furious?

Dühös vagy?

- She got angry.
- She got furious.

- Mérges lett.
- Berágott.
- Felment neki a pumpa.

Napoleon was furious that Kutuzov had escaped.

Napóleon dühös volt, hogy Kutuzov elmenekült.

If you refuse, Tom will be furious.

Tom dühös lesz, ha visszautasítod.

Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.

- Bár bocsánatot kért, én még mindig dühös vagyok.
- Annak ellenére, hogy bocsánatot kért, én még mindig dühös vagyok.

It's quite interesting, really - they were pretty furious.

Érdekes, milyen dühödtek voltak.

- Tom got angry.
- Tom was furious.
- Tom got mad.
- Tom became angry.

- Tom dühös lett.
- Tom feldühödött.

He was furious at his neighbor for allowing their dog to run into his yard.

Dühös volt szomszédjára, mert az hagyta a kutyáját a kertjébe futni.