Translation of "Now" in Hungarian

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Now" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- Now, listen!
- Now, listen.

Ide hallgass!

- Leave now.
- Leave now!

Most távozzon!

Now -

A kérdés,

- It's over now.
- Now it's over.
- It's finished now.

Már vége.

- Everything is all right now.
- Everything's OK now.
- Everything's all right now.
- Now all is well.
- Now everything's good.
- Now everything's OK.

- Most minden rendben.
- Most minden rendben van.
- Most minden jó.

- I understand now.
- Now I understand.
- Now I get it.

Most már értem.

- Everything is all right now.
- Everything's OK now.
- Everything's all right now.
- It's all right now.
- Now everything's OK.

Most minden rendben van.

- Now I remember.
- Now I remember!

- Most emlékszem.
- Most már emlékszem.

- Now I remember.
- I remember now.

Most már emlékszem.

- Everything's OK now.
- Now everything's OK.

Most minden rendben van.

- I understand now.
- Now I understand.

- Most már értem.
- Most értem.

- I'm thirty now.
- I'm 30 now.

- Harminc éves vagyok már.
- Már harminc vagyok.

- I'm busy now.
- I'm tied up now.
- I'm busy right now.
- I am busy now.

Most nem érek rá.

Until now.


It's now...


Now, if...

Most ha...

Bored now.

Most unatkozom.

Not now!

Ne most!

Start now.

Most indulj.

Why now?

Miért épp most?

Now, listen!

- Ide hallgass!
- Figyelj és hallgass.

And now?

És most?

Go now.

Most menj!

Now this,

Na, mármost,

What now?

És most?

- It's now or never.
- Now or never.

Most vagy soha.

- I am cooking now.
- I'm cooking now.

- Éppen főzök.
- Ebben a pillanatban éppen főzök.

- He is out now.
- He's out now.

Ő most nincs itt.

- Where's Tom now?
- Where is Tom now?

Tom most hol van?

- It is raining now.
- It's raining now.

Most esik.

- Now I'm home.
- I'm at home now.

Most itthon vagyok.

- I'm free now.
- I have time now.

Szabad vagyok most.

- It is snowing now.
- It's snowing now.

Most havazik.

- I'm here now.
- I am here now.

Most itt vagyok.

Now is the moment, now or never!

Itt az idő, most vagy soha!

- He's out now.
- He isn't here now.
- He's not here right now.

Ő most nincs itt.

- I am 30 years old now.
- I'm thirty now.
- I'm 30 now.

Most harminc éves vagyok.

- You may go now.
- You can go now.
- You may leave now.

Most elmehetsz.

- Where is he now?
- Where is she now?
- Where is it now?

Hol van most?

- Where's Tom now?
- Where is Tom now?
- Where is Tom right now?

Hol van Tom jelenleg?

- I'm now in jail.
- I'm now in prison.
- I'm in prison now.

Most börtönben vagyok.

- Everything is all right now.
- Everything's all right now.
- Now everything's OK.

Most minden rendben van.

- Tom is all right now.
- Tom is alright now.
- Tom's all right now.
- Tom is OK now.

Tom most már jól van.

- I have to leave now.
- I have got to go now.
- I must leave now.
- Well, I have to go now.
- I must be going now.
- I've got to go now.
- I have to go now.
- I must be leaving now.
- I must go now.

El kell most utaznom.

Now, imagine getting great sleep from now on.

Képzeljék, hogy mostantól fogva remekül alszanak!

- Not now, then when?
- If not now, when?

- Ha nem most, akkor mikor?
- Ha most nem, mikor hát?

- Now it's his turn.
- Now it's her turn.

Most rajta a sor.

- It's all over now.
- That's all over now.

- Most aztán mindennek vége!
- Most mindennek annyi!

- He's now studying.
- He's studying.
- He's studying now.

Éppen tanul.

- Muiriel is 20 now.
- Muiriel is 20, now.

- Muiriel most lett húsz éves.
- Muiriel most 20 éves.

- I'm learning French now.
- I'm now learning French.

Franciául tanulok most.

- It's not there now.
- It isn't there now.

Most nincs ott.

- I'm having dinner now.
- I'm eating dinner now.

Éppen most vacsorázom.

- I'm doing this now.
- I'm doing it now.

Most csinálom.

- Tom is crying now.
- Tom is now crying.

Tom most sír.

- It isn't raining now.
- It's not raining now.

Most nem esik.

- I'm in Boston now.
- I'm now in Boston.

Most Bostonban vagyok.

- Where is he now?
- Where is it now?

Hol van most?

- I live here now.
- I'm living here now.

- Most itt élek.
- Most itt lakom.

- Are you happy now?
- Are you satisfied now?

- Most elégedett vagy?
- Na, most örülsz?
- Meg vagy most elégedve?

- That's all for now!
- That's all for now.

Pillanatnyilag ez minden.

- It's nine o'clock now.
- It's now nine o'clock.

Most kilenc óra van.

- Tom is alright now.
- Tom is OK now.

Tom most rendben van.

- I am 30 years old now.
- I'm thirty now.
- I'm 30 years old now.
- I'm thirty years old now.

Most harminc éves vagyok.

- I have to leave now.
- I must leave now.
- Well, I have to go now.
- I must be going now.
- I have to go now.
- I must be leaving now.

Most mennem kell!

- We must work now.
- We need to work now.
- We have to work now.

Most már dolgoznunk kell.

- Tom's in heaven now.
- Tom is in heaven now.
- Tom is now in heaven.

Tomi most a mennyekben jár.

- What do we do now?
- What'll we do now?
- What will we do now?

Most mit csinálunk?

- I am 30 years old now.
- I'm thirty now.
- I'm 30 years old now.

Most harminc éves vagyok.

- What time is it now?
- What's the time now?
- What is the time now?

Hány óra van most?

Now, that's personal.

olyan nincs akárkinek.

Now hear this.

De gondolják végig:

Now I'm thinking,

Az jár a fejemben:

Now, since then,

Ezek után

Now I'm lost.

Akkor viszont eltévedtem.

Now Dad's awake.

Már apa is felébredt.

Light now returns.

úgy tér most vissza a fény.

I understand now.

Most értem.

I'm tired now.

Most fáradt vagyok.

Please enter now.

Kérlek, lépj be most!