Translation of "She" in Hungarian

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "She" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- She came!
- She came.


- She said that she was happy.
- She said she was happy.

Azt mondta, hogy ő boldog.

- She says that she likes flowers.
- She says she likes flowers.

Azt mondja, hogy szereti a virágokat.

- She said that she was ill.
- She said that she was sick.

Azt mondta, hogy beteg.

- She cried.
- She shed tears.
- She was crying.
- She was in tears.


- She blushed red.
- She blushed.


- She walks.
- She is walking.

- Ő sétál.
- Ő gyalogol.
- Gyalogol.
- Ő megy.
- Megy.
- Sétál.

She says she likes flowers.

Azt mondja, szereti a virágokat.

She lacks experience, doesn't she?

Hiányzik a tapasztalata, nemde?

She got what she deserved.

Megkapta, amit érdemelt.

She knows what she wants.

- Tudja, mit akar.
- Ő tudja, hogy mit akar.

- Who is she?
- Who's she?

- Ki ő?
- Ő ki?
- Kicsoda ő?
- Ő meg ki?

- She cried.
- She was crying.


- She is eating.
- She eats.


She thinks she can sing.

Azt hiszi, hogy tud énekelni.

She says she loves flowers.

- Azt mondja, hogy szereti a virágokat.
- Azt mondja, szereti a virágokat.

- She is dead.
- She died.


She kissed you, didn't she?

Megcsókolt. Így volt?

She thinks she knows best.

- Azt hiszi, ő tudja a legjobban.
- Azt hiszi, hogy ő tudja a legjobban.

She said she was younger than she really was.

Fiatalabbnak mondta magát, mint amennyi.

- She likes oranges, doesn't she?
- She likes oranges, right?

- Szereti a narancsot, nem?
- Szereti a narancsot, ugye?

- She has no children, does she?
- She doesn't have any children, does she?

Nincsenek gyerekei, igaz?

- She said that she had a headache.
- She said she had a headache.

Azt mondta, hogy fáj a feje.

- She said that she had a daughter.
- She said she had a daughter.

Azt mondta, van egy lánya.

- She didn't reply.
- She didn't answer.
- She didn't write back.
- She has not replied.

Nem válaszolt.

- She said she had a difficult day.
- She said she had a hard day.

Azt mondta, kimerítő napja volt.

She came, she saw... and she didn't say a thing.

Jött, látott és egy szót sem szólt.

- She stopped smoking.
- She gave up smoking.
- She quit smoking.

A lány abbahagyta a dohányzást.

- She helps him.
- She is helping him.
- She helps her.

Segít neki.

- "Is she young?" "Yes, she is."
- "Is she young?" "Yes."

– Fiatal? – Igen.

"She is lovely." "So she is."

- Ő nagyon szép. - Úgy bizony.

She fainted when she saw blood.

Amikor vért látott, elájult.

- She adores him.
- She worships him.

Imádja őt.

- She seems tired.
- She looks tired.

Fáradtnak tűnik.

She told me she was pregnant.

Azt mondta nekem, terhes.

- She got arrested.
- She was arrested.


She said that she loved God.

Azt mondta, hogy szereti Istent.

- She felt poorly.
- She felt bad.

- Rosszul érezte magát.
- Nyomorultul érezte magát.

She acts like she knows everything.

Úgy tett, mintha mindent tudna.

- She baked cookies.
- She baked biscuits.

Süteményt sütött.

- She got sick.
- She got ill.


- She looks unhappy.
- She looks sad.

Szomorúnak látszik.

She pretended that she was sick.

- Úgy tett, mintha beteg lenne.
- Megjátszotta a beteget.
- Betegnek tettette magát.
- Eljátszotta a nagy beteget.
- Úgy tett, mint aki beteg.

- She defeated him.
- She beat him.

Legyőzte őt.

- She loves coffee.
- She likes coffee.

Szereti a kávét.

She always got what she wanted.

Mindig megkapta, amit akart.

- She talks quickly.
- She speaks quickly.

Gyorsan beszél.

She said she was over eighteen.

- Azt mondta, betöltötte a tizennyolcat.
- Ő azt mondta, hogy elmúlt 18 éves.

She doesn't eat meat, does she?

Ön ugyebár nem fogyaszt húst?

She said she didn't know this.

- Azt mondta, hogy nem tudja.
- Azt mondta, hogy nem ismeri.

She said that she felt dizzy.

Azt mondta, hogy szédül.

She still hopes she can win.

Még mindig abban reménykedik, hogy győzhet.

She told me she knew you.

- Mondta, hogy ismer titeket.
- Azt mondta, ismer benneteket.

She told me she was cold.

- Azt mondta, fázik.
- Mondta, hogy fázik.

She told me she was glad.

Azt mondta, örül.

- She got angry.
- She got furious.

- Mérges lett.
- Berágott.
- Felment neki a pumpa.

She said that she loved animals.

Mondta, hogy imádja az állatokat.

- She likes him.
- She loves him.

- Szereti őt.
- Kedveli.

She is still here, isn’t she?

Még mindig itt van, nem?

She isn't a member, is she?

Ő nem tag, ugye?

- She keeps moaning that she has no time.
- She keeps complaining that she has no time.
- She keeps complaining that she doesn't have time.

Állandóan arról panaszkodik, hogy nincs ideje.

Does she dream? If she dreams, what does she dream about?

Vajon álmodik? Ha álmodik, miről álmodik?

- She went on working.
- She kept on working.
- She continued working.

Ő folytatta a munkát.

- She felt an aversion to him.
- She hated him.
- She disliked him.
- She didn't like him.

Nem tetszett neki.

- She went on working.
- She kept on working.
- She kept working.
- She continued with the work.

Ő dolgozott tovább.

- She did everything she could to harm me.
- She did everything she could to hurt me.

- Lehetőleg mindent az én rovásomra tett.
- Lehetőleg mindent megtett, ami hátrányos volt nekem.

- She keeps complaining that she has no time.
- She keeps complaining that she doesn't have time.

Állandóan arról panaszkodik, hogy nincs ideje.

- Although tired, she kept on working.
- She kept working even though she was tired.
- She was tired, but she kept working.

Bár fáradt volt, a lány folytatta a munkát.

She walks.

és sétál.

She smiled.


She tried.

- Ő megpróbálta.
- Megpróbálta.

She died.


She runs.

- Fut.
- Rohan.

She cried.

Ő sírt.

She disappeared.


She fainted.

- Elájult.
- Elszédült.

She lied.


She showered.


She knows.

- Ő tudja.
- Tudja.

She swims.


She reads.

Ő olvas.

She showers.

- Zuhanyzik.
- Tusol.
- Zuhanyozik.

She snorted.


She braked.


She slept.


She stutters.


She survived.

- Életben maradt.
- Túlélte.

She prepaid.

Előre fizetett.