Translation of "Alright…" in Hungarian

0.043 sec.

Examples of using "Alright…" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:



Alright thank you.

Rendben, köszönöm.

Leland Melvin: Alright.

Leland Melvin: Rendben.

- All right.
- Alright.


Are you alright?

- Jól vagy?
- Rendben vagy?
- Megvagy?

Alright, alright, I was just careless and that's that.

Jól van na! Figyelmetlen voltam és kész!

Alright. Are you ready?

Rendben. Készen állnak?

- Good.
- Alright.
- Agreed.
- Ok.


Alright, see you then.

Rendben! Szia!

But otherwise it looks alright.

egyébként minden rendben.

Are you alright with this?

Ez neked rendben van?

I mean, it's alright for you,

úgy értem, hogy rendben van az esetedben,

NHH: Alright, Dr. Tompkins, let's get started.

NHH: Dr. Tompkins, kezdjük el.

- All right.
- It's OK.
- Alright.
- Roger.
- Ok.


Alright. Now we've got all this loaded up.

Rendben. Ezt mind feltöltöttük.

- I'm fine.
- I'm OK.
- That's OK.
- That's alright.

Minden rendben van.

- Tom is alright now.
- Tom is OK now.

Tom most rendben van.

Hello. Alright, deep web. What is the deep web?

Jó napot. Nos, a mély web. Mi az a mély web?

Alright, now that you have your card in mind,

Rendben. Most, hogy már elképzelted a kártyádat,

Alright, millennials, this is what I learned about us.

Na és mit tudtam meg magunkról, az ezredfordulósokról?

Alright, so let's talk about another tool for foresight.

Beszéljünk még egy előretekintő eszközről.

It's the permission to protect. Alright, the permission to protect.

Ezzel védelmet kap.

'At least, let's talk about it, Dad.' 'Alright, go on.'

"Akkor beszéljünk legalább róla, apa." "Jó, mondjad."

- All right.
- It's nice.
- So be it.
- Good.
- That's alright.

- Rendben.
- Jól van.

Then, we will go clothes shopping after five o'clock, alright?

Akkor öt után elmegyünk, veszünk ruhát, jó?

Text me when you get home so I know you're alright.

Írj egy üzenetet, ha hazaértél, hogy tudjam, rendben megérkeztél.

It's alright. This injection won't hurt. It will just prick a little.

Rendben van. Az injekció nem fog fájni. Csak egy kis szúrást fog érezni.

There was still a glimmer of hope that everything would be alright.

Még volt egy halvány reménysugár, hogy talán minden rendeződni fog.

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.

- Minden rendben!
- Minden rendben.

- Is everything all right?
- Is everything okay?
- Is everything OK?
- Are you alright?
- All good?

- Minden rendben?
- Minden rendben van?

- It's OK.
- That's OK.
- That's okay.
- That's good.
- That's fine.
- It's okay.
- It's fine.
- That's alright.

Jól van.

- Tom is all right now.
- Tom is alright now.
- Tom's all right now.
- Tom is OK now.

Tom most már jól van.

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is all right.
- It's OK.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's in order.

Minden rendben van.

- Is Tom doing okay?
- Is Tom all right?
- Is Tom well?
- Is Tom doing OK?
- Is Tom alright?

Jól van Tom?

- It's all right.
- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is all right.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- It's all OK.

Minden jó.

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is fine.
- All is well.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's OK.
- Everything is good.
- Everything is going fine.
- It's all right!

Minden rendben!

- I'm doing fine.
- I'm fine.
- It's all right with me.
- I am okay.
- I'm OK.
- I'm doing well.
- I am fine.
- I'm alright.
- I'm all right.
- I'm okay.
- I'm well.

Jól vagyok.