Translation of "Shurahbil" in French

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Examples of using "Shurahbil" in a sentence and their french translations:

Amr’s division fell back, followed shortly by Shurahbil.

La division d'Amr recula, suivie peu de temps après par Shurahbil.

Jabalah’s Ghassanid division, now reinforced by Vahan’s Armenians, advanced on Shurahbil.

La division ghassanide de Jabalah, désormais renforcée par les Arméniens de Vahan, avança vers Shurahbil.

Shurahbil too reorganized after taking some losses and went on the offensive.

Shurahbil aussi, se réorganisa après avoir subi quelques pertes et passa à l'offensive.

He placed Amr in charge of the right flank, Shurahbil and Abu Ubayda in the center, and

Il a placé Amr en charge du flanc droit, Shurahbil et Abu Ubayda au centre,