Translation of "Goal" in French

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Goal" in a sentence and their french translations:


- But !
- Goal !

- What's your goal?
- What is your goal?

- Quel est ton objectif ?
- Quel est votre but ?

- He attained his goal.
- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

Il atteignit son but.

- They attained their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

- Ils ont atteint leur but.
- Elles ont atteint leur but.

- She achieved her goal.
- She reached her goal.

- Elle atteignit son objectif.
- Elle a atteint son objectif.
- Elle atteignit son but.

- Tom scored a goal!
- Tom scored a goal.

Tom a marqué un but !

- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.

- Ils ont atteint leur but.
- Elles ont atteint leur but.

- Tom achieved his goal.
- Tom reached his goal.

Tom a accompli son objectif.

- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

Ils ont atteint leur but.

- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

- Il a atteint son but.
- Il atteignit son but.

- He attained his goal.
- He reached his goal.

- Il a atteint son but.
- Il atteignit son but.

What's your goal?

- Quel est ton objectif ?
- Quelle est votre destination ?
- Quelle est votre cible ?

That's my goal.

C'est mon objectif.

What's the goal?

Quel est le but ?

- He achieved his purpose.
- He attained his goal.
- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

- Il a atteint son but.
- Il atteignit son but.
- Il a atteint son objectif.

- They achieved their goal.
- They will have achieved their goal.

Ils auront atteint leur objectif.

- Knowledge is the supreme goal.
- Wisdom is the supreme goal.

La sagesse est l'objectif suprême.

- Finally, he attained his goal.
- Finally, he reached his goal.

Il a finalement atteint son objectif.

She achieved her goal.

- Elle atteignit son objectif.
- Elle a atteint son objectif.

Is that your goal?

Est-ce cela votre but ?

The goal was offside.

Le but était hors-jeu.

That's definitely the goal.

C'est absolument l'objectif.

Tom scored a goal!

Tom a marqué un but !

They made the goal.

Ils ont atteint l'objectif.

Tom scored a goal.

Tom a marqué un but.

I scored a goal.

J'ai marqué un but.

He attained his goal.

- Il a atteint son but.
- Il atteignit son but.
- Il a atteint son objectif.

What was their goal?

Quel était leur but ?

That was the goal.

C'était le but.

That was my goal.

C'était mon but.

What is his goal?

Quel est son but ?

We need a goal.

Il nous faut un but.

I reached my goal.

J'ai accompli mon objectif.

He's a goal keeper.

Il est gardien de but.

That was our goal.

C'était notre but.

We've accomplished that goal.

Nous avons atteint cet objectif.

What is their goal?

C'est quoi leur but ?

- She achieved her goal.
- She reached her goal.
- She had reached her goal.
- She had achieved her objective.

- Elle avait atteint son but.
- Elle atteignit son but.

- He achieved his purpose.
- He reached his goal.
- He achieved his goal.

Il a atteint son but.

- They attained their purpose.
- They attained their aim.
- They attained their goal.
- They reached their goal.
- They achieved their goal.

- Ils ont atteint leur but.
- Elles ont atteint leur but.

Our goal is very straightforward.

Notre objectif est très clair.

Up to the main goal?

Jusqu'à l'objectif principal?

That is exactly the goal:

C'est exactement l'objectif:

Finally, he reached his goal.

Il a finalement atteint son objectif.

They didn't achieve their goal.

- Ils n'ont pas atteint leur but.
- Elles n'ont pas atteint leur objectif.

Finally, he achieved his goal.

Il atteignit finalement son objectif.

Our goal is primarily educational.

Notre objectif est avant tout éducatif.

This is our main goal.

Ceci est notre objectif principal.

The first goal seems achievable.

Le premier objectif semble réalisable.

Have you attained your goal?

As-tu atteint ton but ?

We have the same goal.

Nous avons le même but.

The path is the goal.

Le chemin est le but.

As a linear, goal-oriented process.

comme un processus linéaire, tendant vers un but.

And it sets an aspirational goal

et a pour but et aspiration

I didn't see the goal either,

Je n'ai pas non plus vu l'objectif,

The goal is the common good,

Le but est le bien commun,

The goal is for your kidney

Le but est que votre rein

That's my goal to prove it.

C'est mon objectif de le prouver.

This time my goal is Paris.

Cette fois, Paris est mon but.

The match ended with no goal.

Le match termina sans but.

At last he attained his goal.

- Il atteignit enfin son but.
- Il atteignit enfin son objectif.

The explorers finally reached their goal.

- Les exploratrices atteignirent finalement leur but.
- Les explorateurs ont finalement atteint leur but.

We couldn't reach the initial goal.

Nous n'avons pas pu atteindre l'objectif initial.

My goal is to become happy.

- Mon but est de devenir heureux.
- Mon but est d'être heureuse.

Is living the goal of life?

Est-ce que le but de la vie est de vivre ?

Tom's goal is to become famous.

Devenir célèbre, c'est le but de Tom.

They will have achieved their goal.

Ils auront atteint leur objectif.

At last, Mayuko achieved her goal.

Finalement, Mayuko accomplit l'objectif.

This time my goal is London.

Cette fois mon but est Londres.

I'm pretty sure that's Tom's goal.

- Je suis presque sûr que c'est le but de Tom.
- Je suis presque sûre que c'est le but de Tom.

- She achieved her purpose.
- She gained her end.
- She achieved her goal.
- She reached her goal.

Elle a atteint son objectif.

So my second goal here on stage

Mon second objectif sur cette scène

That goal can be, "I'll go abroad,"

L'objectif, ça peut être de dire : « Je vais m'expatrier. »

So that's the goal of my work.

Voilà le but de mon travail.