Translation of "Flavored" in French

0.024 sec.

Examples of using "Flavored" in a sentence and their french translations:

Is very well coordinated, super flavored.

Est très bien coordonné, super parfumé.

Do you like caramel-flavored ice cream?

Aimez-vous la crème glacée au caramel?

But my patient over here, demanding that I bring her flavored coffee creamer,

Mais ma patiente, là, exigeait que je lui amène un café crème aromatisé,

"Mary, remember those small wax bottles with flavored syrup inside that we used to eat as kids?" said Tom while shoving ten of them into her mouth at one time.

« Mary, tu te souviens de ces petits bonbons en forme de bouteille aromatisés au sirop que nous mangions lorsque nous étions enfants ? » demanda Tom en lui en mettant dix dans la bouche en même temps.