Translation of "Flashes" in French

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Flashes" in a sentence and their french translations:

- Tom was having hot flashes.
- Tom had hot flashes.

Tom avait des bouffées de chaleur.

And they also have fewer hot flashes.

et elles ont également moins de bouffées de chaleur.

- to little flashes of laser light, right? - Yes.

- à des flashs de lumière laser. - Oui.

Aside from flashes of lightning, it's now pitch black.

Sauf pour quelques éclairs, il fait désormais nuit noire.

Intermittent flashes of lightning illuminated the dark gloom of the forest.

Des éclairs intermittents illuminaient la profonde obscurité de la forêt.

- Suddenly the clouds snatch away both sky and even daylight from the eyes of the Trojans: black night lies upon the sea; the poles thunder, and the upper air flashes with repeated fires, and all things threaten immediate death for the men.
- Clouds the darkened heavens have drowned, / and snatched the daylight from the Trojans' eyes. / Black night broods on the waters; all around / from pole to pole the rattling peals resound / and frequent flashes light the lurid air. / All nature, big with instant ruin, frowned / destruction.

Sur la face des eaux s'étend la nuit profonde ; / le jour fuit, l'éclair brille, et le tonnerre gronde ; / et la terre et le ciel, et la foudre et les flots, / tout présente la mort aux pâles matelots.